Chapter 65: Did I raise a sinner?

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"Everything packed?"

"yes mom."

"No I'm serious, is your stuff packed?"

"hi serious is your stuff packed, I'm sans."

"I swear to god you give me a normal answer or I will go alone and sleep alone in a king size bed. Hey wait that won't even seem like a bad idea."

So we are basically flying to South Africa, cape town today. I'm waiting in the hallway with my suitcase. We had two weeks time to pick out a dress and a suit for the wedding. And of course we forgot about the whole thing and had to actually break and enter in one of Mettatons shops. Well serves him right I guess I don't know.

Sans comes barging from the sleeping room with like the most little backpack I have ever seen. "done." He says and reaches for my hand to teleport. "You got your suit?" I say. "oh shit no wait I forgot." Sans runs off again.

A day later, we arrive in South-Africa. We checked in at the hotel ten minutes ago, so that's taken care off. My cousin paid for it all by the way. So that's how we ended up in this very, very luxe hotel. The room we are staying in for the following three days has a huge kingsize bed and an equally large TV. Overall, the room just looks like we've got money.

"so what to do." Sans breaks the silence. "Well it's night." I say an walk to the bed. "you thinking what I'm thinking?" He winks. I grin. "What are you thinking boneboy?" I say and get under the sheets. Sans walks to the TV and selects the Netflix option. "wanna watch Sherlock?" He asks and selects the first episode. "Oh but I put the bae in bakers street." I say and wink.

Next day. Wedding day. Fuck. I'm wearing a short black dress and Sans a tux. Well if he ever comes out of the fucking bathroom that is. We'll have to take a taxi cab to the wedding and then I'll meet my cousin and family members. Wait. fuck no. My mom will be there, won't she?

"SANS I'M FUCKED!" I scream, get up in bed and roll myself in the sheets like a burrito. They at least don't have custody over me. That's one point. But my step dad will probably be there and why. "well at least wait for me jeez." Sans comes into the room. He probably sees me because he asks what is wrong. "You know how I met Jess right?" I ask, still facing away from him. "you walked away from home right?" I nod. "And there's a great chance that my mom and step dad are there." I sigh. "well we could just like not go." He suggests and rubs my back. "No, we shouldn't do that. Alice paid everything for us and it's just plane rude not to go." I sit up. "I'll just do my makeup and we'll go." I get up and leave to the bathroom.

So long story short, while applying my mascara (and also having almost a finished look(!)) I had a mental breakdown.

When we arrive at the wedding (a little too late), we get stares. Basically a lot. I'm uncomfortable. Social anxiety why. Sans wraps an arm around me and smiles. "it's ok. i'm here." He whispers. Still I can't help the feeling that I'm being judged. "Oh hey!" Says someone. I turn around and see that it's the bride, Alice. "Congratulations!" I high five her. "Thanks!" She laughs and looks at Sans. "So who's your friend?" Alice asks. "i'm sans. her bone-friend." He winks and shakes her hand. Alice laughs, so that's 1+ for the non-monster racists. I give a little smile and leave to the buffet with Sans. "waddaya wanna drink?" Sans asks.

"Just some coffee I guess." I say and grab two plates of wedding cake. I exchange one cake for the coffee and drop the hot liquid when I look at my right.

"Oh my god Garry! Look! It's Alexandra!" My mother says and comes walking to me. Sans quickly grabs my hand and squeezes my hand. I see Garry, my fucking stepdad approaching me as well. "Hi." I say and look down. "Alexandra where the fuck have you been?!" Garry says and grabs my arm roughly. Sans groans really deeply and a blue force surrounds the man. "stay away." Sans threatens. "Alexandra? What does this mean?! Who is this filthy thing you're holding hands with?!"

That's it.

That's so fucking it.

I slap my mother on her cheek. Very, very hard. She lets out a yell. I look at my hand, and it hurts. "DON'T YOU FUCKING CALL SANS A FILTHY THING!" I yell out to her. My mom is shocked basically. Her expression: Terrified. "Don't yell fucking yell Alexandra!" My dad tells me. He's still hold back by Sans. "So what's this?" My mom says with a shaking voice. "This is my boyfriend Sans and I love him! So don't even attempt to lay a finger on him." I say, still with an angry expression on my face. "First you tell us that you're bisexual which is a sin, and then even thinking about loving a monster? Which is not our kind? You're not our daughter. I didn't raise a sinner for gods sake." My mom spits angrily.

"c'mon." Sans grabs my hand and we teleport away.


So I feel like I'm basing alex on me


I'm bisexual too if you didn't know lol

but you probs do????

I don't know

lol I have ideas

next chapter new oc


they're vvvvvv pretty

just saying

ok bye

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