Chapter 42: D͇̼̻̙̭̱̣͝e̶̱̲̘̤͎s̲̮ͅt̡̳̤̫̪̱r͖̘oy̷͚͚̮̭̙

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We slowly approach the man, exanimating the ground. He has to be the bomber. Why would he look at the ground like that otherwise? "Shit wait what if he's dangerous?" I whisper to my skelefriend and just walk with him normally over the terrain, keeping our eyes on the man. "i have the feelin' I have seen this dude before." He suddenly says, a bit too loud. The man probably heard it, because he begins walking away without even looking behind him. "well we can check out the spot now I guess." Sans says and drags me towards the spot the man had been digging dirt. There was literally nothing. "weird." He shrugs and gets up. I won't accept this, so I get onto the ground and begin digging into the dirt with my bare hands. "wait Alex! stop!" Sans warns me and drags me away rather roughly.

"What the fuck Sans?" I say and wipe my hands clean on the dress. "what if he planted a bomb? you need to be more careful. seriously." He says and places his hands on my shoulder before wrapping me into a hug. "I can't afford to lose you m'kay." Sans says and hugs me even tighter.

There is a whistle coming from distance. "YOU HAVE MOVES SANS!" I hear Undyne shout. "COME SET UP FOR THE SHOW TONIGHT THOUGH!" She shouts. Sans groans and lets go of me. Dammit I was really enjoying the hug. "hey so you have nothing to do right now right?" He asks and holds my hands. I shake my head. "then what about you change and go investigate some people. there's a list on my laptop who were suspects the other timelines." Sans says. "Kay. I'll dress up in like all black and be like a ninja." I say and show some karate moves. "sure." He laughs and begins walking towards the stage.

A while later, I am dressed in black shoes, black yoga pants, a black sweatshirt and I'm wearing a black beany. You could say I'm cosplaying as my soul. I take out my phone and text Sans a picture of me doing a piece sign with the clothes on.

Alex: [ Sent 1 Picture(s) ]

Sans: Can a ninja throw a star?


Sans: I'm so funny hahaha

Alex: pfff

Sans: you look good btw

Alex: <3333333

Sans: are your parents terrorists because you sure are the bomb

Alex: oh right the terrorists

Alex: well gotta stalk Bacchus first I guess where the hell do I find him

Sans: AV room.

Alex: kay kay. I hope I don't get killed bye



I smile at the messages. For old times sake I guess. Undyne went wild when Sans asked for my number. It was quite funny. The fish ended up learning my number too and prank calling me though.
Anyway, I leave the camper and run over the terrain as fast as I can (kind of in an unintended Naruto way... Oh well.). In distance, I see a tiny building, and I see Jeremey, whom I met when I met the audio guys. "Hey Jer!" I greet him. Shit wait my appearance. "Hey Alex!" He waves and signs to come to him. "What's the occasion on?" He asks and takes a sip of the tea on the desk, where also stands all the technology on. I hope I don't fuck this up. "Uh I actually was looking for Bacchus. Do you know where he is?" I ask smoothly and lean on the table. NO WAIT NO LEANING.
"Uhm.. I don't know? I thought he was setting things up backstage just now. Maybe look there?" He says and smiles again. Do I have trust issues or not? He is smiling so much I can't.

"I'll look there, thanks." I thank him and run out the small building. I only had to walk about hundred meters when I reached the actual entrance to the backstage. Good thing Undyne was being a security guard for the night, so I would easily be let in. Mark my words, would. "Why do you wanna come backstage?" She asked me. I froze. Oh I only want to kind of stalk someone and prevent a bombing, no biggie. "Uhm.. I need to tell Sans something." I lied. She looked at me suspiciously before humming. "You guys have phones right? Why not call him?" She asked. "Uhm... Well this is not the kind of thing you say over the phone I guess?" I say again and shrug awkwardly. Wait does she think I'm going to confess my undying love for him now? "I'll trust you on that." She says and steps out of the way.

I quickly walk over to a corner with a ladder and climb it, to arrive rather high. I could adjust the lights from this point. "Alęx͢xx͏x̸...." I hear again. The same voice from when I was teleporting with Sans. I stumble and look around. I see the guy I met with the AV guys. The rude one.. what was he called again? He turns around and grabs my hand. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Not really? I dunno really." I say. "I'm so sorry what is your name again?" I ask. Oh my god I'm such an awkward human being. "It's Bacchus." He says and smiles. "Alęx͢xx͏x̸....." The voice sisses again.


The sound of static.

It's deafening.

I see Bacchus' concerned face turn into a one with a horrific grin and grabs me by my neck. "Alęx͢xx͏x̸." He sisses in almost a demonic tone and chokes me. W-What? "S-Sans.." I try to shout trough the choking. He is surprisingly strong, since he lifts me up and pushes me over the fence, making me hang seven meters above the surface. Bacchus smirks. "P-please.." I whine. He closes his eyes and lets go of my neck.

I'm falling.


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