Chapter 43: Thank god Papyrus is here

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

That's the first thing I heard when I woke up in a white room. I notice that I'm in a bed, dressed in a mint dress. My chest area and right leg hurt a lot. I notice a skeleton hand in mine, and look to the right to see Sans, sleeping in a chair beside me. I smile at him, but immediately flinch at the pain and let out a cry. This seems to wake him up and look at me concernedly. "oh my god finally." He says. "hold on and lay down, I'll get a nurse." Sans says and smiles at me before rushing out of the room.

What happened that I'm here though? Wait. Wait I remember. Fucking Bacchus choked me and threw me from 7 meters high. Thanks pal. "Are you all right?" A nurse asks. She has curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She's pretty and reminds me a bit of Jess. "Well does it look like I'm all right?" I say. Okay maybe I shouldn't be a sassy bitch towards a nurse. "Three of your ribs are broken. Your leg was broken as well." She says and adjusts his glasses.

"Wait what do you mean was?" I ask with a puzzled face. "There was this skeleton who healed your whole leg. Like, all the bones in your leg were broken and scrambled and stuff." The nurse says. I look at Sans in a questioning way. Can he actually heal stuff? What? Sans lets out a little 'nyeh heh heh' sound and coughs. Okay so it was Papyrus that healed me. Fair enough. Gotta thank that skeleton.

The nurse continues. "Your leg is fine, there is pain, sure, but it's fine. It is easy to treat broken ribs though." She says and hands some tea to me. "You will just have to remember not to do much exercise the first week. I will get you some painkillers, because breathing will hurt. Though, maybe your skeleton friend can help the recovery go faster? He literally healed broken and crushed leg in one hour." She laughs and looks at Sans with a smile. "Do you want coffee or tea?" The nurse asks Sans and lays her hand on his femur. "yeah sure. some coffee please." He thanks her formally. "Yeah no I'm good." I say as she walks away. Oh my god I'm so salty.

Sans grins at me. "that wasn't nice." He laughs. "You should ask her out! She's totally into you. I mean she even touched your leg. She's showing signs skeledude." I tease him. "nah. don't like her that much. and you touched my femur too." He winks. YEAH BUT HAT IS BECAUSE IM INTO YOU SANS DON'T YOU GET THE HINT?! JEEZ.
The nurse eventually comes back with a coffee for Sans. "I think you could go home in a few hours ms. Parker." She smiles at me with a smile that is oh so fake. "Yeah sure." I smile and get handed a bag with painkillers. She also fetched some crutches for me, which is surprisingly nice.

The nurse turns to Sans. "By the way, what are you doing tonight?" She asks and bites her lip seductively. "oh I'm just having a romantic date with my girlfriend Alex." He says and kisses me on my cheek. Haha take that you nurse. This is my bag of bones. "But you could do so much better!" She protests. "You wouldn't want to miss out on this!"

Now Sans gets up and helps me up as well. He wraps his arm around me, helping me walk. I try to ignore the pain in my chest as much as I can. "nah, I'm quite all right with this beautiful girl." He says and walks forward to grab the bag, the crutches and a big, white envelope with 'X-RAY' on it. "well anyway, thanks for the stuff. we'll pay eventually." He says and teleports.

There's always this twisting feeling about teleporting. I suppose you could say that it's just like bungee jumping. You jump into a black hole and don't know if you will get pulled up again. "Alexxxx.." I hear the corrupted voice say again. Static again.

I open my eyes, and we are in the camper again. Sans picks me up and lays me in bed. "now you stay there." He says and smiles. There's a blue tint on his face. Cute I think. "Wait did we really just steal out of a hospital?" I laugh and immediately regret that, because of the pain in my chest. "nope." Sans says as he comes back with an ice pack. "i did." He laughs and wraps a shirt of his around the ice pack. "uhm.. can you lift your shirt a bit?" He asks. Again, he has this blue tint on his face. WAIT IS HE BLUSHING? Oh my god this is cute. I lift my shirt until it reaches my bra. He puts the ice pack on my ribs carefully. I cringe at the sudden temperature drop. "Jesus t-this is c-cold." I say. "Wait can you give my phone for a sec?" I ask Sans, unable to reach the coffee table right now. I guess I'll be staying here for a week.

As soon as he hands me my phone, I call Papyrus and ask if he can come to the camper. Exactly three seconds later, he appears. "ALEX ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?" He asks and sits by the bed. "I wanted to thank you for healing my leg. I swear that I would have died from the pain if you hadn't." I thank him and smile. "YOU WOULD HAVE DIED? THANK GOODNESS I DID THAT!" Papyrus says and wraps me in a hug, crushing my ribs even more. "P-Pap! Ow!" I flinch at the pain. He drops me quickly on the bed again. "NYOO HOO HOO SORRY ALEX!" He apologizes quickly. "I WILL BE ABLE TO HEAL YOUR RIBS IN THREE DAYS I SUPPOSE." Papyrus smiles. "THE GREAT PAPYRUS NEEDS HIS REFILL OF MAGIC TOO!" He laughs and throws a fist in the air, much like Undyne.

Thank god Papyrus is here.

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