Chapter 48: Manga is always helpful, trust me

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"The riddle changed?" I say in distress when I enter the camper with Sans after spaghetti making. "yeah. i have a document on my laptop with all the riddles from last time." He says and goes to the bedroom to get his laptop. I sit on the couch and open my laptop as well.

'I'm not a pool, a tree, a slave, a website, or a shirt. What am I?' I type into a document. "I'm not a pool, a tree, a slave, a website, or a shirt." I repeat what seems like five times. Sans sit next to me and I look at his laptop. A few riddles are there, all pointing to locations. "How the fuck are we going to figure this out in only three days?" I mutter. "dunno. just waiting for a miracle or something." He says and types the riddle into the document. "the guy says he isn't a tree. does that mean he's made out of tree then?" Sans mutters.

"Paper?" I say and look at him. He writes it down. "one down I guess. what does he mean with a website though. the last one was made out of paper, but you can't make something out of a website right? or does he mean social media?" Sans mutters and throws his head backward. "ugh I don't wanna deal with this shit." He says and lays his head on my shoulder.

The door bursts open. "GUYS ALPHYS IS A GENIUS!" Undyne shouts and rushes into the camper. "So I told the riddle to her, and she got something out of it?" This made me and Sans look up at Undyne. "well what's the answer?" Sans says and gestures, ready to type. Alphys came into the camper too. "W-Well I didn't figure it out completely, but I figured out the tree part."

"we figured out that one already. 's paper." Sans casually says. "O-Oh." Alphys says and sits down. "You did good though. Thanks." I say and smile at the lizard. "N-No problem." Alphys says when she gets handed a glass of water by Undyne, who sits on the couch as well.

"okay so where were we?" Sans asks me. "Social media?" I say. "oh right. so we figured that paper is made out of trees. but what are websites, slaves, shirts or pools made out of?" He questions himself. "i mean like slaves are made out of flesh. maybe meat? nah that wouldn't make sense since paper is there." Sans mumbles and groans.

"Wait don't think about what they are made out of, but what they make together." I say. "O-Oh! Like slaves make a... uh.." Alphys says and frowns. "Slaves make a group, owned by their owner. They are bound." I smirk. "you are a genius Alex!" Sans smiles. "paper that is bound.. a book?" Sans says.

"W-Well we won't be entirely sure if we don't figure out the other ones." Alphys says. Undyne is just staring at us like we are three other species. "God isn't it obvious?!" She shouts and stands up. She grabs a manga, laying on the counter. "Papers that are bound, a manga has pages. It's not a website, but it has pages." She says and lays the manga in front of us. "It's not a shirt, but it has a sleeve." Undyne continues.

"and the pool?" Sans asks. "Well what are we missing? It's the cover. It's not a pool, but it has a cover for when it rains. Though, you shouldn't really put your book outside." I say.

Everyone is silenced for a minute and looks at each other with a big grin. The one mad scientists have when they figured out their solution. "So the answer is a book?" Undyne says. "Yes of course it is!" Alphys continues. "we'll see tomorrow if there's a library around after the drive." Sans speaks. "Can't you and Alex teleport there and see if there is one?" Undyne suggests. "nope. can't teleport to places I haven't been to." He answers. "Kay. We'll go tomorrow then. We gotta have a cool name for our bomb-detaching group though." Undyne says, picks up Alphys and stands up. "We're going to bed. See you guys later!" She says and runs out of the caravan.

I stand up as well and get another glass of water. "welp. we just solved a mystery." Sans says and stands besides me to grab a glass as well. "You should write it down. Let me get drinks." I say and look at him. He nods and grabs his laptop. When I come back, I see that Netflix is already opened. "you wanna stay awake and watch Friends?" Sans smiles and grabs the glass of water from my hand. "Yeah sure." I say and sit down next to him.

He rests his head on my shoulder and is fast asleep after five minutes in. I close the laptop and lay it on the coffee table and close my eyes as well. I only have to concentrate on his soft snoring for me to fall asleep as well.



lol someone already guessed the riddle good google use fam



like what is this I have homework now what the fuck

bye i'll go rot in my cave of sins

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