Chapter 6

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It was a long day at the first day of UCLA, and I was so glad to go back to the apartment and see Sawyer. I was wondering how Lauren’s first day of college went since she was so stressed out without Dallas, and her mom and her dad. But I think with Joey she was going okay. I am supposed to meet her out in the front gates to drive back home. I waited for her, as Lauren was fashionably late.

“Hey,” Lauren said, walking up to me, carrying textbooks and the same zebra backpack she has had since the sixth grade. I responded checking my new gold iPhone 5s, to make sure Sawyer hadn’t texted. No text messages. No calls. No FaceTimes. Was I being to overly attached girlfriend? Yes. We both got into my Lamborghini Gallador, and began to drive home. “So, how are you and Sawyer?”

“So how are you and Joey?” I asked back, sternly.

“Just friends,” Lauren said flatly, “why?”

“Just wondering,” I replied back, Sawyer had texted asking if I was coming home. I quickly replied yes, and kept my eyes on the road in the awkward silence. I pulled into the parking lot of the apartment building, and Lauren grabbed her bags and marched out, and punched the level 4 key. They both got into the elevator, and went to level 4.

Sawyer: Can you come to my apartment?

I smiled, and as Lauren walked down the hallway, I stopped in front of Sawyer’s door. “Hey, I’m hanging at Sawyer’s for a little,” I told Lauren and all she did back was a thumbs up and she kept walking. I sighed and knocked on the door, and Sawyer answered with his perfect hair looking even perfecter.

“Hey, babe,” Sawyer said, smiling, I felt giddy inside, when he said “babe.” I smiled and laughed. “You know Joey isn’t here, so maybe we can continue where we left off…” Sawyer trailed off, leaning into me in the doorway. I went right under his arms and into the apartment.

“Maybe we should close the door,” I said, mysteriously. Sawyer obeyed my commands and closed the door. He walked up to me, and our lips met together, and I automatically knew he was the one, that time when you know, you get those sparks. Maybe I could take this a step further… Sawyer and I both opened our mouths over and over again. Maybe just one more step further… he put his tongue into my mouth, and I did the same. Going over and over again his tongue exploring my mouth, and mine doing the same. One more step… he kissed down my neck and earned moans from me. No more steps, this was way too far, this was one GREAT kiss. I couldn’t get pregnant by just dating like two weeks. He started unbutton his shirt and soon I was making out against his abs. He started to take off my shirt.

“No, no, I can’t,” I said stepping away handing him his shirt. He stared at me, dumbfounded.

“What?” Sawyer asked, slipping on his shirt, “I thought we were going well.” He rolled his eyes and sat down.

“Before you get all angry and wonder why I am saying this,” I sighed, sitting down on the couch next to him, putting my hand on his thigh, “you are a great guy really, but we are moving way too fast for me. I’m not sure about you, but I know we are. You may or may not agree with me. But it’s true. I’m really sorry, but I’m only 20, and this is my first relationship I actually care about. You actually mean something to me.”

“Damn, I love you,” Sawyer said, he leaned in to kiss me. I moved away concerned. “It’s just a kiss, calm down.” His lips met mine and we shared a kiss for several seconds.

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