Chapter 15

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~Morgan's POV~

I was setting out my clothes for tomorrow. Unfortunately, we had school tomorrow. I didn't want to go and I was starting to hate college more and more everyday. It had been two weeks, since Sawyer and I had sex and a week since Shane moved in. Our lives were crazy. I hated Sundays, always have; always will. But with Sawyer with me, it made everything better. Since two weeks ago, we haven't had sex again, and ever since they have been 1,000x closer.
"Hey, Morgan," Lauren said as she walked into my room looking at my clothes. "Hollister? Abercrombie? What are you going back to high school?"
"What clothes should I wear a church dress?" I laughed and playfully punched Lauren in the arm.
"Hey, you know since Shane moved in?"
"That didn't make any sense, but yes a week ago?"
"We have kissed several times now."
"I stopped folding my clothes and whipped my head around and smiled.
"Ooh.." I seductively smiled and walked into the kitchen.
"So you are okay with it?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know."

I grabbed a brand new sprite bottle and Joey burst through the door. "Get ready, girls!" Joey was smiled and sat down on the bar chair.
"Why?" Lauren asked, looking at Me.
"We are going to the club!" Joey said yelling.
"N-" Lauren began.
"You girls are 21 have some fun - be ready in two hours!" Joey yelled and walked out. Lauren looked at me with her puppy dog eyes.
"Do we have to?"
"Yup. Now go get ready." I said walking into my room and shutting the door. I rifled through my clothes, and finally found the perfect little black dress with sequins, which was perfect for clubbing. Not too slutty, but short enough. I went in my bathroom to give my hair a blowout. Only 2 hours and I had to do my hair, makeup, clothes and nails! Thanks, Joey.

Two hours later, I was beyond ready and Lauren looked great too. Who's ready for the club? We definately were.
"You look so good!" I said, looking at Lauren's blouse and jean skirt.
"Thanks, same to you," Lauren said grinning from ear to ear. "I'm so excited."

"You gonna drink tonight?" Lauren asked, looking down at the ground.
"Maybe, why?" I looked at Lauren. She had been opposed to drinking her own life. She wouldn't even touch a bottle. Before Lauren could answer, Joey and Sawyer walked through the door dressed in jeans and gorgeous t shirts - perfect for clubbing.

"You look amazing," Sawyer said, hugging me, "maybe if you had that dress go up a little further..."
"Don't even think about it." I snapped back, rolling my eyes playfully.
"No horny guys tonight, right?" Sawyer asked me, "they would love a piece of that birthday cake."
"I think the only horny guy is you," Joey said, laughing. "We better get going before the line is around the block."
"LEGGO!" Lauren yelled, strutting towards the door.

An hour later, the four of them were in the club, and were dancing on the dance floor. Sawyer lead Morgan, Joey and Lauren to a table near the side of the club. A waitress dressed in a bikini came up to us and asked, "what can I get for you?"
"Tequila, please."
"Bloody Mary."
"Make that 2 tequilas."
"Water." I think you can guess who said water. The waitress looked at Lauren strange, rolled her eyes and walked away. I was staring onto the dance floor, at all the people having so much fun. I never thought my life would come to this. That I would ever make it to California. But here I am, with the guy on my dreams. Sawyer pulled my head around and kissed my forehead. The waitress came back and served us our drinks. Joey and Sawyer took their shots of tequila, and I chugged my Bloody Mary. Lauren sipped on her water, and looked around the club.
"6 shots of vodka, please," Sawyer said to the waitress who left once again.
"Six? Damn, Sawyer." Joey looked at him, his eyes wide.
"Two for 3 of us," Sawyer said smiling. When the waitress came back, she placed the six down and walked away. I looked at the strong liquid and drank the shot. I coughed and sputtered. Wow, it was strong. I took my other shot and I was already really dizzy. I was drunk already, wow.
"More?" Sawyer questioned me.
"No, I'm already drunk," I slurred.
Joey lead Lauren onto the dance floor. Sawyer lead me to the back of the club and we started making out. I almost swallowed his tongue. We continued to make out, and sawyer kissed me down my neck, biting my ear.
"I love you." He whispered caressing my neck.
"Me too," i moaned. He lead me back into one of the rooms they had available. Convenient, much? Sawyer locked the door and starting to make out with me again. He pressed my body against she wall and slid off his shirt. I could feel his abs flexing against my flat stomach. He grabbed the back of my dress and unzipped it; and he helped me out of it, never breaking the kiss. I only had my bra and underwear left, which was soon hung on the doorknob. He spun me around and lied me on the bed, where we were both naked. He stayed on top of me, and be thrusted into me several times. I moaned and heard a text from my phone on the table behind me. I didn't pay it any attention. He began to kiss down my neck more.

The next morning, the only thing I had was a headache and sore thighs; and I definitely didn't have my virginity.

WHAT DID YOU GUYS THINK?! I think I liked it. Before I get hate for writing this, I obviously don't drink and never would; it was just the spirit of the moment. It's what drove the story on. Also, I didn't really want to go into detail with the "scene" but why not? People probably want it. Instagram (@backofahorse) Twitter (@morganhartmann) youtube(MorganRowland) thanks and continue to read! hope this chapter is longer! Love y'all 💕

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