Chapter 19

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•Sawyer's POV•

"Dallas?" After hearing the name, I snapped out of my television trance. Damn you, American Horror Story! I saw Joey sitting next to me, and Morgan standing at the door. There he was, Lauren's ex. He had defined cheeks and muscles and was very buff. You could see his pecs and six pack through his tight white tee. He had black skinny jeans and Lebron 11s on. What kinda guy was this? Damn, Lauren you really got good bait!

"Where the hell is that bitch?!" He yelled, pounding his fist hard enough into the door. Morgan screeched. I stood up and started to come at Dallas. Joey stopped me and whispered, "wait." I sat back down, angrily and clenched my fists in anger.

"I don't know," Morgan said, quietly, "she left." She tried to avoid eye contact best as possible. He kept searching her face. Morgan's face was very easy to tell if she was lying.

"You lying, bitch, where the hell is she?!" He barked again. Morgan kept quiet and stood still, looking at her tan knit Uggs. He grabbed her shoulder and squeezed her shoulder. Morgan screeched in pain, and I stood up.

"Hey, get off of my girlfriend!" I yelled, standing up and walking up to this guy who was two times my size.

"What is this little prick gonna do about it?" Dallas barked, punching my arm. I pretended that didn't hurt, but it did really bad.

"This little prick is gonna pound your dumbass face in," I said, aiming for his jaw. I let my arm fly, and Dallas stood back in pain, his nose bleeding. Morgan's hand covered her gaping mouth, while Dallas aimed for Sawyer's face. Instead, Sawyer punched him again and again.

"Stop! Stop!" Morgan screeched, grabbing me off Dallas, who was rolling on the floor. Joey walked up behind Morgan and I standing above Dallas.

"Dallas, if you want to know where Lauren is she is in room 20b, jut a couple doors down." Joey smiled, watching Dallas scramble to his feet.

"And Morgan, your just the same whore from high school, hanging out I with guys. Have a nice threesome and goodbye." Dallas walked down the hall, and Morgan turned to Joey.

"What the hell did you just do? Oh my gosh, what do we do? He's gonna kill her. Joey what the hell?!" She screeched pushing him into the wall.

"Paybacks a bitch," Joey said, smirking. Morgan crouched on the floor, crying, covering her eyes. I put my arm around her, then noticed blood was on my fist and wiped it on my jeans.

"Joey, how can you think like that?! He will kill her! Maybe even me." Joey's face fell.

"Sawyer, can we go pound his face in again?" Joey asked, opening the door and pacing in and out.

"And then what? Get security called on us? Get arrested? No thanks." I said, standing Morgan up.

"Let's just go back over there," Morgan said standing up. She walked out the door, Joey and I following behind her. Dallas was yelling at Lauren who was looking fearfully at Shane in the kitchen.

"I'm gonna be back, Lauren! You and all your friends should watch it. Tomorrow in the evening, be ready." He yelled, sprinting out the door. Lauren slid down the kitchen wall, crying. Morgan went over to comfort her, and Joey walked back to Morgan's place. What the hell happened? Our friendships were falling apart and now we had a dangerous killer on the case? What happened to our lives?

"Maybe we should go out tomorrow night, stay away from him," I volunteered, not knowing what to do.

"No, he will just find his way in and ruin this place," Lauren said, drying her cheeks. "We just have to face it."

"Shouldn't we get the police involved?" I asked again, fearing for Lauren, and especially, Morgan.

"No. That makes him more dangerous." I rolled my eyes. How could we just face something like this? How can we know we were being watched and just sit here and wait? We couldn't. I couldn't.

"No I'm sleeping here with you," I said to Morgan, who was insisting I go home to get some sleep. "I want you to be safe, Lauren is staying over at my place, and I'm not going to leave you here alone." Morgan rolled her eyes.

"I'm fine." She giggled, and I didn't budge.

"I love you too much to put you in harms way."

"I love you too, you can stay if you really wanna." I lied on the couch next to her, a protective arm around her. If that Dallas guy ever stepped do to in this apartment again, there was going to be hell to pay.

Youtube: MorganRowland

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