Chapter 36

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•Sawyer's POV•

"I wanna tickle your belly from the inside." Morgan stopped reading her Women's Health magazine and lied it down in front of her. She was six months now, and only had three months to go, which was nerve racking for both of us.

"You're disgusting, ew." Morgan said, scrunching her nose and I kissed her on the forehead. "I love you." She said and kissed me on the lips.

"Why pay $5 for a foot long when you could have mine for free?" I asked her kissing her neck.

"Okay, what the fuck are you doing?" She asked, clearly getting agitated.

"Getting my pick up lines on, for when Little Junior is born, so I can turn you on, and we can have another one." I told her, kissing her neck and she laughed.

"Yeah, never." She said back, laughing. She picked back up her magazine and continued to read.

"It's two o clock in the afternoon, why aren't we out running errands or doing something?" I yelled a little bit more louder than I was supposed to.

"Because I'm pregnant, my back is killing me and my legs feel like shit they are so sore." I rubbed her thighs and kissed her again as she stuck out her bottom lip.

"Can I run to the store then?" I asked her, feeling bad I was leaving her alone. She smiled.

"Of course," she said kissing me again.

"Can I take your car?" I asked her, feig bad, once again.

"Yes.." She said slowly, sliding the keys over to me on the bed. I smiled at her and put a shirt over my head. "Besides, it's good for you to leave, you without a shirt on really wants me to pounce on you." She winked at me and I smiled back. I respiked my hair, and grabbed the keys and my phone.

"That turns me on." I said again, winking at her which made her blush and look back at her magazine.

"Pick me up a couple bags of Oreos?" She asked me before I walked out of the bedroom.

"Already read your mind, you know I love my Oreos." She smiled back at me, and I walked down the stairs and out the front door.

********TWO HOURS LATER********

I had the groceries and I was walking upstairs to our apartment. I hadn't texted Morgan since I left and I was hoping she was okay. I opened the apartment door and set the groceries on the counter and ran up the stairs to the bedroom. Morgan was in the same position, reading a different magazine on the bed. Cody and hitch were on the floor next to Morgan. "You're okay?" I asked her as she looked up from her magazine.

"My stomach just hurts really freaking bad." She clutched her stomach, and I lied down next to her on our bed, placing my hand on her stomach. She winced, and removed my hand from her stomach. Morgan reached down and scratched her foot, removing her hand from underneath the bed. It was covered in blood. She looked down and the sheets were covered in blood. She gasped and threw herself over the bed, groaning in pain. "Grab the keys," she said put on her Sperry's. I grabbed the keys and my phone.

After getting to the hospital, I waited in the waiting room, until the nurse told me I could come back. Morgan was in tears, and I hugged her. I asked her what was wrong, but she was too much in hysterics to talk. "You lost the baby." The nurse said behind me, sadness I'm her voice.


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