Chapter 18

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•Joey's POV•

I ran into the other room, banging my fist against the wall, and locking my bedroom door behind me. I knew something was up with Lauren! I knew something was different. I was sure that wasnt the first time they had kissed. What else had they done? Ew, I didn't even want to think about it. Just when I thought I had found the girl I had been waiting for. This always seemed to happen. And Shane? How could my best friend stab me in the back like that? He knew I liked Lauren, but yet he kissed her, and possibly more. What a whore! What a hoe bag! There was knocking on my door, and I threw a pillow at it, yelling, "Leave me alone!"

"Joey, please let me in," Lauren said, calmly, knocking on the door.

"I really don't want to talk or see you right now," I said, trying to calm myself down. I felt a lump in my throat, and I closed my eyes.

"Okay, Joey, that's just dumb." Lauren snapped back at me. "How was I supposed to know you liked me? If you wanted to date me or have a relationship with me, you should have asked me; not just assumed I knew. It would be a good time to say something because Shane and I aren't dating and never will. We have just had little moments here and there. Besides, he will never be the guy I want. And that's you." There was a long silence, no one said anything. Half of me wanted to yell at her and tell her to leave. The other half of me, wanted to unlock the door, and make out with her. But, I knew she was right. I shouldn't have just assumed she knew, I should've taken action. I stood up from my bed, and unlocked the door, but to my surprise no one was standing there.

"Lauren?" I checked up and down the halls, but she was nowhere.

"I see you made your decision and you obviously don't want me. Piss off you asshole," Lauren said, sticking her middle finger at me behind her back, kissing Shane in the hallway and running down the stairs. What the fuck just happened?

I walked last Shane and Lauren on the couch watching a movie and went into the hallway. Nobody liked me anymore I was old. I marched right to Morgans apartment and knocked in the door. She answered and let me in, handing me a water bottle and directed me to the couch. Sawyer was there, but he was mesmerized by American Horror Story and didn't even notice I walked in. I didn't matter to anybody anymore. It was like I was just a piece of dust.

"Joey, you look upset, what's wrong?" She asked me, looking me in the eyes with concern.

"I saw Lauren and Shane kissing in the hallway. How could shane do that to me? He knows I like Lauren a lot. Lauren too, how could she? She likes Shane now, but Shane doesn't like her. Shane is just using Lauren as a rebound from Lisa. I know it too, but Lauren just won't listen." Morgan brushed her eyes that we're welling with tears.

"She didn't tell you, did she?" She asked grabbing my hands and looking into my blue eyes.

"You knew?"

"Yes, but I thought you knew! Joey, I swear if I knew you didn't know I would have told you. I thought all of us knew."

"Well, apparently not."

"I feel like I'm just wasting everyone's time. Shane and Lauren have each other, you and sawyer are completely in love and here I am stuck with Hitch most of the time, talking to a camera. Most of my friends are living their lives, that they don't even have time to do collars anymore. I'm not growing up and I'm just getting older physically."

"What? Joey, your so crazy! Sawyer and I love you so much! You are not a waste of time, and I'm sure Lauren and Shane love you just as much, don't you ever think this again, Joseph." She laughed, while tears came down her eyes. But I was still stern and didnt laugh. I fought the tears that we're going to come.

"I think I'm gonna move back to Boston, Jett needs an older brother right now. Los Angeles has nothing to offer me anymore. Sorry."

Her eyes welled up and tears fell down her cheeks again, before long tears were falling down mine to, "Joey, you can't just walk into someone's life, make them care and just check out. Life doesn't work like that. What will sawyer do without you? What will I do without you? Nothing. Your not leaving. Los Angeles isn't done with you yet, and your too young to give up like this, and you aren't. I'm not letting you. You hear me?" I wiped my tears and nodding, hugging her. She was possibly (besides sawyer) the bestest friend I could ask for. We held on for awhile, I didn't want to let her go.

"You can let go, Joey," Sawyer said, rolling his eyes at me, and I released Morgan. The doorbell rang.

"If that's Lauren or Shane, hide me." Joey said, squatting behind the couch. Morgan walked towards the door. A dapper, handsome young man was standing at the door. His blonde hair was slicked back and he wore a white tshirt with black skinny jeans and white sneakers. Morgan turned white and almost passed out. She turned to Sawyer and I, the look of terror on her face was priceless. I knew who this guy was. I never thought I would see Morgan this scared. There was only one person on this earth that would scared her this bad.


~hope you guys enjoyed! The story deleted itself so I had to write it twice! If you read the first couple of chapters you know Dallas is Lauren's abusive high school boyfriend. Tune in for 19!~

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