Chapter 24

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•Sawyer's POV•

Morgan's stomach was starting to show and she was moving along great. Only four months along, and the doctor said she had beautiful babies. It was times when we were stuck in Los Angeles traffic that I dreamt about our babies. We were on our way to get an ultrasound at the clinic, and I was more excited than she was. She was trying to distract herself from her nervousness by watching the Twitter war brewing between Tyler Oakley and Liam Payne.

"I can't believe the things Liam is tweeting!" She said, throwing her hands in the air and hitting her hands on the ceiling. "Ow!" She screeched. I laughed. "After having a lamborghini for two years you would think I would be used to it." She rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her bulging stomach.

"Thanks for letting me drive this now it's fucking awesome," I said, rubbing my hands over the leather steering wheel.

"No problem," she said, beaming at her car.

"For a pregnant woman you sure do handle your moods well." I commented smiling at her beaming smile.

"I can be strong." She said pretending to flex her muscles both of us laughing. We parked in the clinic parking lot and we both walked inside. Morgan signed in and we sat and waiting. Part of me was really excited and the other part of me was really nervous. Today we would find out whether the baby was a boy or girl. We both had our fingers crossed for a boy.

"Morgan, you can come on back," the nurse said moving us into a back room. She lied Morgan on the table and smeared he gel on her stomach. She took the circular tool and began to search for the baby. Morgan nor I could see the TV screen where the Xray showed. "Oh... Oh wow." She said bearing her teeth and looking at me. Oh no. "Well I hope you are really prepared." She looked at both of us and then Morgan looked at me. "You are having sextuplets!" Oh. My. God.

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