Chapter 49

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•Morgan's POV•

I was now six months along in my pregnancy and all was well, even though I was nervous since I lost the baby at six months last time. Sawyer was being supportive as ever, and I knew I couldn't lose this baby. Sawyer would kill me (not literally) if I lost this one, or just really disappointed. I had to have this baby for him, I loved him more than anything. Lauren had been acting weird for two months now and she hasn't been with Joey lately... which made me wonder if she was with Dallas? But Lauren wasn't like that. She was sleeping over most of the time in the guest bedroom, and had only spent a couple nights with Joey. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but I didn't have the guts, I didn't want to butt into her relationship. But something told me I should...

"Earth to Morgan... Morgan.... Morgan!" Sawyer's voice brought me back to reality, and I looked at him, rubbing my face. "You've been spaced out for twenty minutes now you have to continue editing your video." I sighed and looked at him.

"Just... Thinking." I said, slowly, turning back around to face my imac, where I was editing my video.

"Pretty deep thinking you're doing there." Sawyer said back, turning to face his computer. "When are you going to tell your fans you're pregnant." I looked at my computer screen, not at him, and saw only my face and neck being shown not anything below. "You have half a million subscribers now and sooner or later, you're going to run into a fan in public, meet them and they are going to tell everyone you're pregnant." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know, sawyer." I replied back, trying to focus, but it seemed I had ADD, I was distracted by everything. Ugh!

"And what are you gonna do when you're making videos and there's a baby whining in the background?" I turned around to face him and groaned.

"I don't know!" I said and threw my arms in the air walking out of the office. The talk was really upsetting to me, yet I felt fine. Ugh, hormones.

"Come back, I'm sorry!" Sawyer yelled to me but I kept walking upstairs and ran right into Lauren.

"Hey I'm gonna head out to the grocery store, want anything?" She asked me, smiling, her purse over her shoulder.

"Maybe some potato chips. Cookies. Apples?" Lauren smiled at my answer and laughed quickly.

"Course," Lauren said, walking past me but I grabbed her Weenis (elbow) quickly. She looked at me, raising her eyebrows, smiling... A little bit too much.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, raising my eyebrows sassily, like I always did.

"What do you mean?" She asked innocently. Playing dumb I see.

"Please, you're ignoring Joey and you moved back in with me? What's going on? You love Joey." I felt the baby kick, but this wasn't the time, a friend was in need.

"Loved." She murmured looking down at my hand who was still holding her Weenis.

"What the hell happened?" I barked, regretting at my harsh tone, but Lauren understood my crazy hormones.

"Two months ago... Joey had come home drunk.. Really drunk, more than he had ever drank before and he came home, he was really mad at me... Because I'm prude, and he came home and raped me." My mouth fell open. Joey raping her? Joey? That's would alcohol could do to you.

"Lauren, you could be pregnant!" I whisper yelled.

"No... Anal." My mouth formed an "o" shape. "Now, I have to go shopping. Bye!" She said cheerfully as if nothing happened.

|| EVERYONE. look, I know Joey isn't like that in real life... I know! I just need to keep drama in the story. Shoutout to everyone who actually UNDERSTOOD. ||

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