Chapter 60

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•Morgan's POV•

"Aren't you just the cutest? Yeah, yeah." I cooed and little Dylan gurgled and laughed. He was only a month old but growing up so fast. I was 22 now, and I felt so old. Ew. I was way too found to have a baby, I was just a baby myself, and so far it was a good experience. It was almost fun... Not the crying, but the other stuff. It's nice to know what your parents had to go through. I was sitting on the recliner with Baby Dylan and Cody was constantly trying to lick him. "Cody, stop." I said laughing and pushing his head away, but giving him a good scratch between the ears. It was hard to believe this baby was actually in me. Wow. I heard Sawyer's feet running down the stairs and he was dressed in skinny jeans and a tee.

"Hey I'm gonna go to Target, want anything?" I shook my head and kissed Dylan's cheek, tickling him. "Bye, babe." He leaned over and kissed me and then walking out of the door. I continued to play with Dylan until it was time for a nap. I set him down in his crib and started watching the new season of Bates Motel. I heard the door open and looked over to see Lauren.

"Hey," she said in a sing songy voice plopping down on the recliner next to me. "Do you wanna do something get out of here?" I laughed.

"I have a baby now." I said and she sighed. We sat in silence and she continued to sigh.

After a couple more episodes, I was starting to get worried. Sawyer wasn't home. My phone finally rang. Weird number. I walked away from Lauren and into the kitchen. "Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Morgan Rowland?" A deep voice asked. Kind of mysterious.

"Yeah." I answered.

"This is the Los Angeles police, your husband, Sawyer? He's been shot."

||will there be a sequel? Or nah? Any updates for one will be put as a new chapter||

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