Chapter 51

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•Morgan's POV•

"Um, yeah! Yes! Yes!" I screamed, wiping away the excited, nervous tears that continued to come as I laughed and cried at the same time. I had always wondered why women cried at their weddings and when they were proposed to; which seemed completely unnecessary, but now I knew why. Sawyer slid the finger onto my ring finger, which was a perfect fit. He looked up at me, biting his lip, looking as cute as ever. His hair was down, which made him look like a kid, and I loved it. He reached up and wrapped me into a hug as I cried and laughed into his buff shoulder. I had never been this happy, in my whole entire life. "You've made me the happiest person alive." I said as he came out of our hug and looked me in the eyes. He wiped my tears with his demented thumb, and I smiled. He smashed his lips against mine, and pushed me back onto the bed, and holding his weight up on his elbows on each side of me, and he moved his tongue on my bottom lip begging for entry. I decided to make him wait, and refused to open my mouth and give him entry. He groaned and growled at me and I giggled, as he traveled his lips down my neck, sucking lightly and then extremely hard which made me wince in pain, but yet I was happier than ever. His lips traveled back to my mouth which made me moan in pleasure, as his tongue slipped into my mouth and our tongues seemed to dance together. Our door opened and Lauren hid her face, and made a gagging sound. I pushed sawyer off and he groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Ew, get a room." Lauren said, rolling her eyes.

"We are in our room!" Sawyer said, rolling his eyes and waving Lauren away looking back at me. "Now, can we please continue?" He leaned back into me but I pushed him away. He groaned.

"Yes, Lauren?" I asked her, smiling at Sawyer's impatience.

"I was just gonna go pick up a pizza what do you guys want on it?" Lauren asked and I cocked my head and raised my eyebrows.

"A pizza at ten at night?" I asked her laughing.

"Never too late for pizza." She answered and smiled singling her keys in her face.

"Pepperoni," sawyer answered, "now, bye." Lauren rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Rude." She said.

"I'll go with you." I said getting off the bed and throwing my hoodie over my shoulders.

"No!" Sawyer whined and grabbed my arm. I yanked my arm out of his grip, and smiled at him. I kissed him and leaned into his ear to whisper something to him.

"We can continue when I come back." I winked at him and he smiled mischievously. I smiled at Lauren and we walked out of the room and down the stairs. We walked out of the apartment, down the hall, and out into Lauren's car. After we left the parking garage, Lauren began talking about school and how it was going. Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the pizza place, and walked inside. While Lauren ordered I walked outside to call Sawyer, who was texting me frantically. I bumped into someone and looked up and my mouth dropped open. I couldn't find any words.

||Walking Dead is on tonight at nine!||

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