Chapter 48

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•Joeys POV•

"What the hell? Pregnant again? Uh oh, another Sawyer can we handle that?" I asked, laughing. Everyone laughed along with me. I couldn't believe Morgan was pregnant, again, another try? Maybe her body would respond well this time...

"Shut the hell up," Sawyer snapped, laughing again. We were all in Lauren and I's apartment, laughing while sitting on the couch; enjoying sweet lemonade. It was ninety damn degrees in April! I placed my hand on Lauren's thigh, lightly, but she brushed it off. Lauren didn't like my touch very well, and she cleared her throat uncomfortably. Morgan smiled and the whole room was quiet. Suddenly, just by my touch, The room was full of tension.

"So, Morgan," I began changing the subject, Morgan looked at me and smiled. I did miss that smile... Morgan was my best friend in the whole world. "How many months is the baby already along? Did the doctor say?"

"The baby's already three months soon going on four... I can't believe I just lost the other one five months ago. It feels like it happened just a couple weeks ago." Morgan smiled and tapped her somewhat bulging stomach that was growing. "I can't believe i didn't feel anything sooner. I just hope my body responds well this time."

"I'm so proud and I can't wait for Joey Junior... That's going to be his name right?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her.

"Haha, you wish!" Sawyer said, laughing loudly.

"No, the names gonna be Lauren." Lauren said, smiling proudly.

"If it's a boy the names gonna be Brandon; and a girl Sammie." Sawyer said, looking at Morgan who rolled her eyes immediately.

"Jackson, if it's a boy, and girl will be Desirè, capiche?" Morgan asked sawyer. He casually threw his arm over her and I swallowed hard. If only Lauren let me do that, the only thing we could do was make out against a wall... which was once. Sawyer's phone tweeted and he looked down at it.

"We have to go meet Tyler and Luke down at the grille a couple blocks down... We'll see you guys later." Sawyer and Morgan stood up and they walked out of the door yelling and waving bye. After a couple minutes of silence, I broke it.

"What should we do?" I asked Lauren, who just shrugged and began to pick at her nails. "Well whatever." I said and stood up, grabbing my leather jacket, and grabbing the metal handle before I heard Lauren speaking up.

"Where are you going?" Lauren barked, raising her eyebrows.

"Somewhere far away from you." I said, automatically regretting what I had said, when Lauren's face fell but I was angry and fed up, disappointed, annoyed, and worst of all I felt neglected.

"What the hell is going on with you?" Lauren asked, standing up from the couch on the verge of yelling.

"My problem is, is that you never want to kiss me, or make out... You don't even let me touch you in anyway; we haven't even had sex!" She gasped. "Yeah, I said it, and I mean it that's my problem. Okay?" I stormed out of our apartment and through the hallways. I opened the door into the car garage and found my light blue Prius a couple spaces from the door. I knew where I was going; I needed to get drunk... and just forget about everything that had just happened. I drove out of the garage and drove down the road. Luckily, traffic wasn't bad and the sun was threatening to set since it was nearing six o clock. I drove a few blocks down, running through two red lights and then almost getting killed, and people cussing me out and yelling at me. What the hell was wrong with me? I was never this upset, and I didn't know that something this pathetic would make me upset. I found the bar sawyer and I had drank in a couple times and pulled into the small parking lot around the back. It was well-kept but in the back a man sold drugs, that I constantly ignored. Drugs wasn't my thing. I walked into the bar, which was also a grille, but I sat at the bar, and waved my hand up at the bartender.

"What can I get for you?" She asked politely, smiling at me.

"Two Budlights, please." I said, slowly. I felt sick to my stomach saying it since I have never drunken beer before, I guess there is a first for everything.

"Someone's had a bad day." She commented, leaning against the counter, making impeccable eye contact with me. Her hazel eyes against her dark skin put me in a trance.

"Make that 3 please." I said quickly. Within thirty seconds, she slid three beer bottles to me across the bar. She popped the caps off all three and walked away, throwing me a sexual smirk. I stared at the brown bottle and grabbed it, the chill crept through my hand. I took a long sip and sputtered after drinking the bottle. It tasted fowl, and the carbonation was too much to handle. But, yet, the aftertaste was... delicious. I took another sip and another and another. Soon the liquid had dispersed and the bartender came by and recycled the first bottle. I drank another and another and soon both had disappeared. I was slurring when I talked, I couldn't concentrate or think straight, and everything was spinning and I was pretty dizzy. Now I knew why I didn't drink. I paid the bartender, and left the bar. I walked back to my car, stumbling at my step, and falling twice. After plopping myself into the drivers seat, I pulled out of parking lot after swerving twice, and went onto the main road. I roared my car through a red light, almost hit a Toyota, getting honked at and ran through another one. After stopping for one more light I turned into our apartment complex, and pulled into the garage. I parked my car, and stumbled into the hallway. I walked down the hall and stumbled into our apartment. Lauren was right where I left her reading on the couch and I stumbled over to her.

"Hey, Joey, look I'm sor..." I smashed my lips against her and tasted her donut Chapstick she had applied to her subtle lips. She tried to push me off but I didn't let her. She tried to back her head out of our kiss, but I just smashed my lips harder against hers. I pushed her down onto the couch and lied on top of her supporting some of my weight. She was practically screaming in my mouth now, and I knew she was uncomfortable but I didn't want to stop. I jammed my tongue into her mouth to stop her screaming. I broke our kiss and undid the buttons on my pants. "Joey, you're drunk, stop, how much did you drink this isn't you! Please, Joey! No." I saw the tears in her eyes, and took off my pants and boxers throwing them across the room. I connected our lips for one more second, and then felt for the button to her jeans. "Joey, please this is against my beliefs! Stop." She whined again, but I slid off her pants and underwear leaving her bare on the couch. I turned her upside down and thrusted in several times. But, this wasn't me. I had learned one thing after that day. Don't drink Budlight.

||Woah. Holy. 😖||

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