Chapter 46

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•Lauren's POV•

I slipped my second earring through my ear hole, and looked at my reflection. My makeup and outfit were perfectly on par, and my newly red-dyed hair sent waves down my shoulders and chest. Tonight we were going to Morgan and Sawyer's one year anniversary dinner, which was at the sushi place they had had their first date. How romantic was that? Having a year anniversary where you had your first date? I met Joey in the kitchen and he whistled at me. I smiled and shared a hug with him. He unwrapped from our hug. "You look great." He said, kissing me on the lips a couple times. "Ready to go? We are already kinda late." I smiled and nodded walking with Joey out of the apartment. We walked out of the lobby and into the garage where Joeys blue Prius was parked. We both got in and left heading for the sushi restaurant. I couldn't believe Morgan had left me at UCLA, now it wouldn't be the same... it would never be the same. We never spent time with each other as it was ... but now we wouldn't be able to go eat lunch on our lunch period, or drive there and back after hours... go shopping after school? We couldn't do any of that anymore. And she quit because of youtube? Youtubing wasn't even a job, but now my two good friends were doing it, and so was my boyfriend...? I didn't know what to think. I wanted to have sex with Joey really badly, too. I had always believed in abstinence, but with Joey things were different... My thoughts had changed. When I dated Dallas, I was just a kid and I was young and stupid, but with Joey... My thoughts were interrupted when we arrived in the Parking lot of the sushi place. Joey must've thought something was wrong with me if I didn't talk the whole ride. We walked inside the restaurant, and found Sawyer and Morgan in the back corner. "hey," Morgan and Sawyer said as the slid over to make room for Joey and I. We all made small talk, mostly about youtube. I did youtube too but what was so great about doing in fulltime? The waitress brought us all water and took our sushi orders. She brought rice to our table, and we all picked on the steamed rice with pepper and salt.

"I have to run to the bathrooms." Morgan told me so she could slide out. "Just come with me." I shot her a strange look and she opened her eyes wider, telling me to come. I nodded and followed her to the restrooms. Once we opened the door and got inside, Morgan stood in front of the sinks not saying anything. "Well are you going to go...?" I asked her, slowly raising my eyebrow.

"No. I have to tell you something..." I raised my eyebrow and nodded telling her to go on. She looked at herself in the mirror again and sighed. Her face was stern, so I could tell she wasn't messing around. "I'm pregnant... again." I was shocked. Wait, what? Another baby?

"When did you guys... you know." I asked her, winking.

"The last day I was at school, a month and a half ago." I hugged her.

"Are you sure you're ready?" I asked her, biting my lip. She nodded slowly and cringed.

"I haven't told Sawyer yet, please don't tell him?" She asked me.

"I won't spill... but when are you going to Tell him?" I asked her.

"I plan to tell him tonight." She said and I nodded. What was going on with our world?

||😁 another one?||

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