Chapter 13

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I opened the wet dog food can and the smell wafted around the room, the mixture of tuna and spoiled hamburger meat. Gross. How did YouTubers do the tin can challenge? I almost gagged at the smell, but yet I did this everyday. I just thought I needed an excuse to vomit, but Lauren and Shane were both okay, so did I need to? Apparently, yes. I ran to the toilet before, Cody could even reach his food. You can guess what happened after that. I flushed the toilet, and washed my hand, rubbing my stomach and lying down on the couch, watching Cody lap up the wet dog food. The sickening smell wafted towards me, and I covered my mouth again, but insted ran out to the balcony and breathed in the fresh air. Everything would be okay. Sawyer was waiting for me over at his place, and he was probably starting to wonder if I was ditching him. I had school tomorrow, and I didn't want to deal with homework right now. The door opened, and it was Sawyer, giving Cody a pat on his head.

"Morgan, what's wrong?" he asked, placing his hand softly around my waist.

"Just a little sick to my stomach," I replied, looking at his hand, and placing mine over his head.

"Aw, come inside," he grabbed my hand and led me into the warmth of the apartment, leaving the door open so that horrible smell would leave. "You know, everyone says when someone's stomach hurts, it'll feel better if someone rubs it." I smiled, and he rubbed my stomach, and kissed me on my forehead. He was right, it did feel better when someone rubbed it. When he did. The last thing I remembered was Sawyer's soft hands rubbing my stomach.

"HEYYO!" Lauren burst though the apartment doors with Shane and Joey ravaging through the cabinets. I got up and rubbed my eyes, Sawyer lying next to me still asleep.

"Ooh, what's going on here?" Shane asked, winking at me and Sawyer. I rolled my eyes.

"We still have all our clothes on right?" I asked, shaking Sawyer and he woke up.

"What's going on?" As soon as he saw Lauren, Joey and Shane, he lied back down. "Goodnight."

"Oh well, guess we will have to go over to Sawyer and I's place to shoot that collab," Joey said. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to taunt me and get me to Go shoot a collab.

"Goodbye," I muttered lying back down, Sawyer throwing his buff arm around me. Lauren, Joey and Shane left, and I was almost asleep before Sawyer muttered something.

"Morgan, you know I love you more than anything right?"

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I love you most." He smiled at this and kissed me. Our lips molded together perfectly. Like they were made to be. Sawyer's tongue rubbed against my lower lip, begging for entry. I opened my mouth, and our tongues danced together. We sat up and made out on the couch. It had been like 7 months were we ready? I guess. Maybe. I don't know. I guess this is what you do when you love someone. And I love him SO much. We made out for a full ten minutes before we both separated, breathing like we had just ran 20 miles.

"I love you." I said kissing is Megan Fox thumb.

"Are you ready?" He asked me, looking me in my eyes. I pursed my lips and nodded.

"I'll be right back," he said going to the bathroom, probably to put a condom on. I waited in patience, butterflies in my stomach. I had never had sex with a guy I actually cared about. I know how slutty that sounds but it's true. I got up and locked the door; if Lauren, Joey and Shane walked in that would be horrible. "Back, are you ready?" He asked, biting his lip. He was so cute. I nodded and he kissed me, throwing his tongue in my mouth. He took off his shirt, just barely breaking the kiss. His abs were clenched against my shirt. I took off my shirt, and my pants. Sawyer did the same and within no time all clothes were off.

"That was amazing," Sawyer said softly.

"Best I've ever had," I said back. The blanket was covered over both of us. I sighed I think I can say I loved him 100 times more now. We lied in silence, and he kissed my forehead. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled the blanket farther over us. I kissed him. Soon I was off to sleep. I had the best boyfriend in the world.

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