Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to Prime Time

~Lauren's POV~

"So, I hope all of you guys will check out Shane and Lauren's channel! You can click on their faces now, or the link is in the description. Lauren is just starting her channel at 10,000 subscribers, so please give her some love! Anyways, may the odds be ever in your favor.... goodbye!" Joey turned off the camera, and hooked the camera USB to his iMac.

"Thanks, you."  I said embracing him in a hug.

"Hey! Get your hands off my man you slut," Shane yelled and smiled. I smiled back at him, and removed myself from Joey's warm embrace.

"No problem, once your channel gets huge I can be the one to say I used to know that girl," Joey said laughing.

"I will never be as big as you, Joey."

"You've got some talent, kid," Shane said nodding his head towards me. I smiled and blushed. If you told me a year ago I would be hanging out with Joey, Sawyer and the Shane Dawson-I would've called you crazy.

"What do you think Morgan and Sawyer are doing over there?" Joey couldn't help himself from asking.

"Sleeping on the couch, why?" Lauren asked, raising her eyebrows suspiciously.

"What if they are..?" Shane raised his eyebrows and winked. Lauren completely understood what Shane was getting at. Unfortunately, she couldn't erase the image out of her mind.

"Hell no!" Lauren said, jumping off the arm of the couch. "I know Morgan and she wouldn't do that until they were atleast two years along; maybe married!" Shane shrugged and checked his Twitter while Joey was taking the perfect selfie for Instagram.  "Now you dumbasses have me worried, should I check on them?" Shane sighed, rolled his eyes, and turned off his phone.

"Now, why would you do that? You can't let them be alone?" Shane asked those beautiful blue eyes of his looking into my brown ones.

"I don't know, I have been Morgan's good friend for awhile now and I'm just scared. What if she gets STDs? What if she gets pregnant? That would be horrible! What would we do! What if Sawyer breaks her heart? What if..!" Lauren slammed herself into the couch.

"Lauren, calm down. Your not her mother. I understand how you're worried but Morgan can take care of herself. She can be proactive. And, she isn't a ratchet hoe," Shane added, laughing, I laughed along with him. Joey was silent.

"What's up with you and Lisa?" Joey asked looking over to Shane. Shane took a deep breath, and we all waited for him to crack a joke, but he did nothing. I could see tears welling in his eyes, and I almost cried for him.

"W-we broke up and she kicked me out." I never thought a room with Shane Dawson could ever get this quiet. No one spoke.

"Where have you been living?" Joey asked.

"WIth my mom."

"Come live with us, me, you and Sawyer can all be a huge man pack!" Joey yelled, standing up. "I'll go ask, Sawyer! I have the key to Lauren and Morgan's apartment so I should get in."

 Joey ran out, and Lauren and Shane were left in the room with nothing to do. Lauren motioned for Shane to come close.

"I have to tell you a secret," Lauren said, smiling deviously. Shane sat down next to her, and Lauren grabbed his cheeks and kissed him.

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