Chapter 40

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•Morgan's POV•

My heart was racing. No, nope, nah, this was a dream. Maybe this only worked in movies, but I pinched myself to make sure this wasn't a dream. Unfortunately, I was faced with the cold, hard truth of reality. Sawyer didn't really ask me to marry him... did he?

"Morgan?" He asked, I hadn't talked in over five minutes, how could I when I was in total shock?

"Mhmm." I sounded, slowly. "I have to go." I said it quickly, I was completely caught off guard.

"Just... think about it, okay?" He asked me, but I hung up the phone and didn't say anything after that. I found the little rubber ball in my backpack, that always kept me occupied in those boring, now stressful moments. I lied down on the bed, which was a Tempur-Pedic, and melted into the mattress. I sighed with pleasure, as it adjusted to my weight. I threw the ball up, and caught it, up, and caught it and did this over and over for hours. After four hours, of throwing and catching the ball, Lauren knocked on my door, and walked inside smiling.

"That was a nice nap." She yawned and stretched her arms. I managed to let out a stifled laugh, but soon looked down to my green rubber ball. "Ready for the beach?" The sun was setting and it would really be a perfect night for the beach, it was pleasantly warm. I nodded, slowly and got out of bed, going to my drawers of clothes to find a bikini. "Uh-oh, what's wrong?" Lauren asked me placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Don't think I didn't know you were throwing that damn ball up and down for four hours." She got me.

" he um..." I couldn't tell her. I still couldn't believe what sawyer had done and I didn't want to tell Lauren either, but I had to. "He proposed." I managed to squeak. Lauren's eyes went bigger than saucers and her face turned white.

"No, you're joking around with me." I shook my head no, and she say on the bed looking like she just had a heart attack. "Morgan, please tell me you said no..." she said slowly.

"I didn't say anything. He just told me to think about it and I hung up." I told her and she breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"Ready for the beach?" She asked me quickly running out of my room.

"Wait, why don't you want me to marry him...?" I asked, but she didn't hear me, she was already in the other room. I sighed, closing my door, taking off my clothes and throwing on my bikini. I quickly threw a small holey sweater over it and a towel. I slipped on the flip flops Sawyer bought me and met Lauren in the kitchen. I tended to get lost in this house, but I could manage for a couple days. We walked out in the backyard, overlooking the beach, that had no people on it. My feet squished in the sand, and I could feel the grainy material on the pads of my feet. I rarely had down time in LA, so I had never gone to Venice before. I hadn't been to the beach in years. "So, how are you and Joey doing?" I asked her and threw my towel into the hot sand.

"Fine." She answered quickly, throwing her towel next to mine. I had already removed my flip flops, and I took off my small sweater. The orange sun was setting deep behind the long, outstretched ocean.

"Have you guys had sex yet?" I asked her, which was an awkward question, but I wanted to get as gas away from the marriage topic as possible.

"No, ABSTINENCE." She yelled and I laughed. We waded in the ocean for a few hours, long after dark, and then we grabbed all our stuff and went inside. "That was fun." Lauren commented, laughing. I nodded and laughed with her. We walked in the house, which was warm. Lauren told me she was going to take a shower and so was I. My room had it's own bathroom, and I checked my phone before changing. I had three texts from Sawyer.

"Are you thinking about it?"

"Are you ready to say yes?"


"I'm here." I texted back and waited a couple moments before my phone tweeted again.

"I love you, please."

"I'm not marrying you, you asked me to marry you over the phone." I texted back hastily.

"I'm sorry. please say yes?" I slammed my phone down after reading his texts and ran into the shower. This wasn't happening.

||Aye guys, sorry it's been Morgan's POV for a while now, I'm doing somebody else's next chap, no worries!||

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