Chapter 25

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•Morgan's POV•

I threw the sheets off of me and say up in bed. My hair was strewn across my face, and I was soaking wet. No because of Sawyer, but because the bed sheets and myself included were covered in sweat. I was burning up with heat and I slid off the bed. Cody looked up at me when my feet hit the floor and then he stops up and followed me out. I crept down the stairs silently, and looked down at my baby bump. Thank god that was a dream; the worst dream ever. Sextuplets? I couldn't even imagine that. I turned on the living room light and the kitchen light. Cody climbed onto the recliner and I went into the kitchen and grabbed the new bag of Doritos Sawyer picked up last night. I carried them to the recliner and turned on the TV. The Walking Dead just happened to be on, but I kept in quiet. I opened the bag of Doritos and watched intently. After a few chips they tasted terrible and disgusting. I got up and returned to the kitchen and put the Doritos back in the kitchen. I grabbed a chocolate bar and opened it. I took a square off the bar and chewed slowly, returning to the recliner. After a few more squares, the chocolate tasted bitter and disgusting. I rolled my eyes, returning to the kitchen and throwing the chocolate bar away. I returned to the recliner and looked at the time. It was 5 am, only 4 more hours until my doctors appointment, the one where I wasn't having sextuplets. I lied down and reclined the chair, closing my eyes. I was cooled down, I slowly fell asleep, Cody next to me keeping me warm.

"Morgan, wake up. Morgan!" I was being shaken and it was Sawyer shaking me awake. I lifted up my head and rubbed my eyes. I was so tired and I didn't feel well. "Decided to ditch me last night?" He laughed and slung his arms around me in a hug, and kissed my forehead like he always did.

"No, I felt like shit." I said back, hugging Cody close to me. "I had the worst dream last night."

"What?" He asked kissing me down my neck as I was distracted.

"Stop, you're distracting me," I said, rolling my eyes and pushing him off me, "I had a dream that the doctor took the ultrasound and we were having sextuplets. Oh my gosh, it scared the hell out of me it seemed so real." Sawyer laughed and began kissing down my neck again.

"Hopefully that doesn't happen," he said between kisses. He stopped and looked me in the eyes, "You know it's 8 go get ready."

"Oh!" I nearly jumped off the recliner, but Sawyer stopped me.

"You know I love you more than anything, right?" He said kissing me. I nodded and smiled.

"Now I need to get ready," I said trying to stand up from his grip, but he pulled me back down.

"We have a few minutes..." He began kissing my chest and then kissing me lower and lower.

"Not healthy for the baby," I said standing up releasing his grip from my arm.

"Yes it is," he said back, trying to grab my arm as I pulled it away.

"Well, I guess we can ask the doctor today," I said, hastily walking away towards the stairs.

"Okay," he said, smiling. "And if she says yes?"

"You can get it all. night. long." I dragged out the words and placed my hands on my hips.

"Can you please do that again? I got way too much pleasure than I should have." He said laughing covering his lower area. I stormed up the stairs and Cody followed behind me. I snuck upstairs and prayed that sextuplets was not going to be an option.

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