Chapter 8

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In love? I'm in love? I'm in love. Oh my god, I'm in love. I never thought I would feel this way about a girl, and I never have. Morgan was beautiful and smart and had a great, fun personality, and Morgan was the missing puzzle piece he had been looking for.

"Earth to Sawyer... Sawyer? Sawyer!" I looked up to see Shane snapping his fingers  in my face. Joey was laughing in the background, and I shook myself out of my daydream. "We finished the video without you. What is going on with you, bitch 2?"

"Sawyer's in love," Joey answered for me, staring at me and my face turned red.

"Morgan?" Shane asked, winking wierdly.

"No, it's Lisa," I said, sarcastically, obviously it was Morgan! Shane turned into an angry expression and rolled his eyes.

"Morgan's best friend Lauren is a strange one and crazy. I want to officially meet the little bitch though," Shane said laughing.

"You should come over," Joey said, "you can meet Lauren, and you can watch Morgan and Sawyer make up as we spy on them." I rolled my eyes.

"Lauren is going to freak, when she sees you Shane," I laughed. He shuddered, looking at Joey and shrugged.

"So how are you and Lisa?" Joey asked, this was turning into guy time, and I sighed, I just wanted to go home and see Morgan, she was already back from school, but she had to study and do homework for a little while.

"We aren't doing so good," Shane said, he hated these moments when he wasn't making someone laugh. "I'm... I'm thinking about breaking up with her." Joey opened his mouth wide, and so did Sawyer. How could this be possible? Is there even such thing as Shane without a Lisa? "Let's just change the subject, I don't wanna talk about it, you assholes.Now can we go?" Shane stood up and so did Sawyer, Joey grabbing his phone, and all of them walking to Sawyer's car. The only thing standing in the way was the maakeup.

Throughout the whole car ride as I drove through the LA traffic, I came up with 132 different ways this could happen, and two main ones. She either is going to accept it or completely slam the door in my face. Soon enough, Sawyer was walking down the hallway to Morgan's apartment, Shane and Joey hid in the boiler room accross the hallway, watching. I knocked on the door and Morgan answered it.

"Hi.... bab-Sawyer," she stuttered awkwardly.

"Can we talk... privately?" I asked, my eyes showing that Lauren was behind us, obviously listening intently. Like Joey and Shane weren't doing the same in the closet. Morgan nodded and stepped out in the hallway, this would be so embarrasing if she rejected me.

"What's up?" Morgan asked, looking at me concerned.

"Look, ever since that night... things haven't been right. I hope it's just not me. But I really like you Morgan, and I don't want our relationship to be like this. I realize I haven't had a girlfriend in a long time, but and I forgot the relationship ropes. I realize I was moving too fast, and I'm a total ass for pushing you too fast as well. I don't want our relationship  to be this awkward. Forgive me?" Morgan sighed, and her maple brown eyes looked into my blue ones. She waited and waiting, just looking at me, and I did the same.

"Of course I forgive you, I really like you too."

Morgan leaned up and kissed me full on the lips, and I could hear a muffled giggle in the closet, praying she didn't hear that. Either she didn't hear it, or she was a really good actress. "And guess what?" She asked, looking up at me, "your not an ass for anything. Your the greatest boyfriend I could ask for." This time I leaned down an kissed her, opening her mouh over and over. Morgan pulled away and hugged him.

"Morgan?" I asked, all of a sudden I had butterflies in my stomach, this was the moment. "I love you."  She tore away from our hug and sared into my eyes again. "I love you too." was the only thing I heard before we were making out again. I heard clapping next to me, and it was Shane and Joey. Oh, no!

"Wow that was a great job," Shane said, Joey laughing behind him, "you nailed it Sawyer!" Sawyer rolled his eyes, and Morgan stood there her mouth hanging wide open. Joey hid his face becase he knew Morgan was going to be mad at him. Sawyer looked between Morgan, Shane and Joey. Everyone knew she was going to yell.

"Oh my god..." Sawyer covered his ears and winced. "Shane Dawson?! Oh my gosh I have always wanted to meet you officially!" Sawyer and Joey sighed relief. "Come inside," Morgan motioned into her apartment. Shane went in and then Sawyer, Morgan holding the door for them. Joey began to walk inside but Morgan stopped him. "I'm not done with you, Graceffa." Joey laughed.

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