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"What do you mean." Lauren replied. "I'm not in love with her, she's my best friend. Where did you even get that from?" 

"It was so obvious the way you look at her and every time they would kiss you would look somewhere else." Ashley responded. She then stared the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"That's ridiculous." 

"You Wanna know how I know, I've been in your shoes before I know what feels like to like someone that doesn't notice." 

Lauren kept looking out of the window and hoping she would let it to and drop her off at home. Was it that obvious, it couldn't be she was the first person that noticed anyway.

"I'm studying psychology you know, I can read your behavior around her and I can tell by how well you hide it."

"I'm not in love her ok! So just drop it." Lauren started to get defensive about the situation. Who was she to tell her about her feelings towards Camila. Anyway it didn't matter anymore they were never going to see each other again, she only wanted to spend time with Camila today to have a nice meal and go home and watch a movie but of course it didn't go as planned as always. 

"I could help you."Ashley offered.

"What do you mean?"

"I could help you with Camila's heart." Ashley said with a grin.

"How would that even work?"

"Easy we could just make her realize that you're the one she supposed to be with." Ashley insisted making it seem like it's an easy thing to do.

"Even if I wanted you to help me she has a girlfriend, that she loves and I wouldn't want to jeopardize our friendship over that." Lauren pointed out. "and what exactly do you get out of it."

"Vero she will be heartbroken that Camila broke up with her and I'll be there to comfort her after the break up. You'll have Camila and I'll have Vero."

"Wait you like Vero?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah remember when I said I've been in your shoes before, trust me I was just as confused like you where when I realized this was a double date. I liked Vero since I saw her in one of my many classes I was very disappointed when I found out she had a girlfriend." 

"I'm sorry to hear that but I'm not gonna be apart of the plan you have going on here." Lauren told her.

"Lauren please I need you in order for this plan work. You want Camila do you."

Lauren was debating in her mind whether she should do this or not. She wanted Camila and badly for that matter and without Vero in the picture she could have her. But then again there's a chance that this will fail and Camila could figure this out. 

Before Lauren knew it they were parked outside her apartment.

"You know what I get it it's a little confusing so we could talk about it more later, just think about ok. You know that it's you who belongs in Camila's arms and your the one she should be kissing not someone else." Ashely said trying to get her on board.

Lauren was almost convinced in that moment but maybe she should think about it first. After she said goodby  she made her way to her room and landed on her bed. Camila wasn't home yet so she had some peace and quiet for herself for a little while.

She took a shower and decided to have drink in the mean time. After an hour she heard the door open when Camila finally arrived.

"What took you so long?" Lauren asked. 

"Vero wanted me to talk to her parents." Camila said as she sat next to Lauren exhausted.

"Yikes, I guess it didn't go well."

"Well how would you feel if you had to make conversation with your girlfriends homophobic parents for an hour." Camila told her.

"They still haven't gotten used to you yet."

"Nope. They still believe I'm just a phase to there daughter."

"I'm sorry Camila."

"It's fine they just have to get used to it I guess. I mean what if we get married one day and have kids they probably still think I'm a phase." 

Lauren winced at the thought of them getting married.

"You actually think you guys be together for that long." Lauren asked hoping they won't. 

"I mean I'm just guessing I do see a future with her, anyway to soon we only been together for five months so what's the rush. Also I'm sorry about the surprise date it's just that Vero Insisted that it would be good for you. 

"It's no problem I mean she's not my type but we would probably still be good friends." Lauren said.

"I'm going to bed." Camila said as she she made her way towards her room "night"

"Night" Lauren responded. 

After that conversation with Camila, Lauren came to a decision on what she wanted to do. Let's  just say she would be needing ashley's help. It might end up being a mistake but at least she was going to try.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now