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After saying goodbye Camila made her way back into the car. She gave a small smile to Vero and her parents who waved back as they made their way inside the house.

Lauren looked at the back of her head and Camila could feel her staring at her.
She knew Lauren was upset, who wouldn't be.

"Sofi, you wanna go visit your friend Ana I bet she'd want to see you." Camila asked.

"Sure." The eleven year old answers not minding spending the day with her best friend.

"Can you drop me off first." Lauren said directly at Camila with venom in her voice.

All she got was silence.


"I wanted to take you somewhere." She finally answers sounding more like a question.

Lauren couldn't believe it. She clenched her jaw ready to give  that girl a piece of her mind. She looked out of the window questioning if Camila was worth the pain. She knew the younger girl cared about her as a friend, but why was she playing with her feelings.

Was everything a lie.

Did she even matter to Camila.

What is she saying. Camila's her best friend. Of course she does. Sure she has a sucky way of showing it but she does. They been through a lot, that doesn't mean she would let Camila push her to her limits though.

Lauren is now thinking everything that Camila has done in the past week.

She broke up with her girlfriend who beat the crap out her, then asked her to accompany her to Paris.

Then confess she was avoiding her feelings towards her for years and dated other people to get rid of them.

Also uses her to make the girl she's up against jealous in order to seem like she 'won'.

Last but not least Lauren puts all that behind her to be there for Camila in a time of need for only to walk in on Camila kissing her ex, to end up believing it wasn't what it seemed, then to see it happen right before her eyes.

Lauren probably shouldn't have thought all of the other girl's mistake while being in the same car as her. She was so lost in her thoughts to to notice that they have stoped yet again in front of another house.

Camila had walked her younger sister to the door to make sure she was safe and well before she left. But when she turned back to make her way to the vehicle she heard one of the doors shut forcefully.

"Lauren. Lauren! What are you doing." Camila called out.

"Like you care!" She yelled back. But in honestly she didn't even know what she was doing herself. She just needs to get away from Camila. That's what's only on her mind.

"You live 30 minutes from her, and have no money where exactly are you gonna go." Camila fires back.

At that Lauren stops her movements.

"Let me take you somewhere. Please." She begged. "Let me explain..."

"Explain exactly what Camila!" Lauren hissed. "That you did it again, and made me seem like a idiot fool thats in love with you!"

"You love me? Like in love?" Camila stammered. Wasn't the first time Camila heard that today.

"Is that all you got from that."

"Lauren just let me explain everything." Camila asked of her.

"You know what.... fine."

And just like that Lauren caved in once again. She felt like Camila could do anything and she still forgive her. Lets just hope that the she has a good reason.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now