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"I can't believe this is happening to us."

Lauren hears from a distance as she slowly wakes up from her sleep.

She doesn't feel the warm heat of Camila's body next to her anymore. The room that they were in last night seems to be dimly lit, from the sun light seeping in through the curtains. 

"Does she know," A mans voice Lauren didn't recognize says with tiredness evident in his words.

"No, I don't think she has a clue about how serious the accident was."

The soft voice of her girlfriend says as Lauren opens her eyes fully to see that they weren't alone in the room anymore.

"Um... hi."

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to wake you," The man said. "I know it's been a long night for the both of you. Thank you for having kept my daughter company through this all."


He must be the father, Lauren felt slightly relieved that the little girl had family. Although, the man looked distraught with the fact his little girl is in the hospital. The dry tears that were left on his face indicates that he most likely knows about his wife.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Lauren kindly offers. "I'm sure your wife was an amazing person."

"She isn't my wife, well at least hasn't been for a while now. We got a divorce two years ago after I stupidly put my job before her. As if matter fact it was my house she was leaving before the accident to pick up Anna." He voiced his frustration.

Lauren and Camila kept quiet as he blamed himself.

Speaking of blame, Lauren didn't forget what Camila said last night. Or at least thought have said. Bringing it up now in front of a grieving father and ex husband probably isn't a good idea.

"Once again, thanks to the both of you that kept her company. You can go home now."

With one last look at the sleeping child they went out the door. Once in the hallway Camila finally looked at her. She leaned back against the way as she took in a deep long breath.

"You want to get something to eat?" Lauren offered.

"No, you go ahead if you want the thought of food makes me nauseous."

"The cop that was hear yesterday gave me this," Lauren handed her the card. "I think it be better to not push this aside."

Camila gave her a unsure glance as she took the piece of paper in between her fingers.

"Do you want me to drive you to the police station. You don't have to do this alone."

"I feel like you want to know what happened more than that." Camila bitterly said.


"Sorry," Camila groaned furiously rubbing her hands over her face. "It's just.." Camila looked both ways of the hallway to check if they were both alone. "It was my fault Lauren."

"What? Camila don't say that."

"When I was at a red light I wasn't paying attention when it first turned green, the car behind me honked at me to go and I did, but then as they were crossing the intersection a car from the opposite side came speeding in and crashed into them. If I had gone a few seconds before the other car would have missed them." Camila rambled her words as she tried to compose herself.

"Camila it wasn't your fault." Lauren tried.

"Lauren you telling me that isn't going to make it any better. It's always going to be at the back of my mind if I had just gone a few seconds before like I should have!" She raised her voice.

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