{14 part 2}

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Camila's in the drivers seat of the car looking a little tense for some reason. She had both hands griping the wheel very tightly and kept swallowing harshly. She kept her eyes on the road which was hard to do when Lauren legs where on full display next to her. Lauren was pretending she didn't know what state Camila was at but she was full aware, so when her dress risen up she made no attempt to pull it down.

"Normani just texted me that next week we should all go camping. What do you think camz? Camila." Lauren called out when Camila didn't respond.

"Ohh yeah, sure whatever you want." Camila breathed out heavily. "I'm running low gas so I'll stop by the gas station first, is that all right."

"Yeah of course."

Camila was unknowingly driving above the speeding limit trying to get out of the car as soon as possible. Then right when they were almost there the light turned red.

"Are you feeling well, because if your not we could go back home if you would like." Lauren ask.

"No!" Camila says a little to eagerly. "I mean it's just a little hot in here." She then turned her head and made eye contact with Lauren, something she was trying to avoid. Her hair was down, her eye makeup made her green eyes pop out more than usual.

Lauren was alluring.

That's all Camila could think of. She's a photographer, she's seen many beautiful things in her 21 years of living but Lauren was definitely her favorite so far.

That's when she heard a loud honk coming from behind the car, the light had turned green and she hadn't even noticed.

Lauren had a lump in her throat at how Camila was staring at her. It was the same look she saw Camila give to her past lovers. Except she was now on the receiving end of it. She didn't know how she should feel. She thought she would feel a little relived that Camila would at least acknowledge her in that way, but now shes timid by the idea.

Would she get even more hurt knowing that Camila might never act on those feelings because she to stubborn and she's in a relationship.

"I'm going to head inside do you wanna wait here." Camila asked after she pulled up next to the gas pumps.

"I'll go with you, I'm kinda thirsty." Lauren says not wanting to be left alone with her thoughts.

They made their way inside the store to get what they wanted Camila was already waiting and talking to the cashier. After Lauren got her drink she made her way to Camila but then there were these two guys that just walked in blocking her way.

"Um... Excuse me." Lauren says politely. But the two men made no move to get out of her way, all they had were two stupid smirks on their face's

Lauren was now feeling uncomfortable by the way they are staring at her.

"Can you please move." Lauren says once again.

"What's your name beautiful." One of the guys asked.

"Can you just move." Lauren was now getting impatient by their lack of listening skills. Camila didn't notice what was going behind her because she was in a deep conversation with the cashier that she knew very well.

"You see, my friend just asked you a simple question and you are being quite rude to him right now." The other guy said. "Let me introduce myself my name is Adam his is Ian, you see that wasn't so bad or difficult so we're going to ask you again, what's your name." The Adam guy says to vigorously for Lauren's likening.
Lauren didn't like this. She hated being treated like crap she thought it would be over after high school but people still think they have control over her, and they treat her with disrespect.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now