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Camila lies in her bed after she hung up on Lauren about her secret gift to her. She has been planing to give her that car since before they left and she got a text from the salesman that every thing went smoothly. Of course Camila is gonna have to take some extra shifts at work when she gets back, but Lauren is worth the extra time. Her sister is still in school while her father is preoccupied with his own thing, and Camila couldn't help but feel lonely. After graduation she didn't really keep in touch with her high school friends so calling any of them who still live in Miami would be kinda of awkward after a long time.

She just decided to go through Netflix until something caught her attention but that didn't last long until she turned the tv fully off. When she heard the door open downstairs she went to go check it out who it was and saw her grandmother standing there with a bag full of groceries.



Camila groans at being called by her first name.

"What? Its a beautiful name I choose for you." Her grandmother teases with a laugh. "How's your father?"

"Um... ok. I'm not entirely sure. We eat together, but usually we just spend time in our own rooms. Do you need help with those." Camila says as she gets the remaining bags from her grandmas hand.

"Yes, thank you sweetie. And I'm worried about him. As a little kid he had trouble expressing his feelings." She says a bit concerned for her son who just lost his wife.
"But how are you?"

"I'm fine I had time I guess, you know when she was diagnosed she made sure to tell me to get ready for the worst."

As much as Camila wanted to believe a miracle would happen, yet she was also getting ready for the reality side to kick in as well. Her grandma she sent her a sad smile.

As much as she didn't get along with her daughter in law, she would admit she was a great mother and wife to her family. When she heard the news that that she passed away, she couldn't help but feel guilty to have not have put aside any grudges they had together until the last minute. The amount of time of arguments at dinners and holidays weren't really that worth it. Luckily they said their goodbyes and made up with each other before she passed on.

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this. Both of you girls deserve to have your mother around."

"Thanks, it means a lot." Camila says trying to keep her emotions inside as she sorted some of the foods from the plastic bags. "What's all this stuff for?"

"Just wanted to make some home cooked meals for all of you. Mind helping me?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Where's that friend of yours that is always around?" She asks out of curiosity.

"Lauren? She had to go back home for school. Why?"

"Yes! That's her name. Its just that she was all that your mother talked about during her last few days."

"What did she say about her?" Camila says again wondering why her mother talked about Lauren. It was with her sister at first, but now with her grandmother.

"She went on and in how she was a perfect match for you. I mean she was on medication but it must have been nothing." After telling Camila that information she just get back to taking some dishes out and preparing some food she's going to make.

Camila doesn't ask any more questions she just stares at her hands unaware with what actually her mother was getting at with telling her sister and now her grandma, that Lauren was a good match for her. She hopes her and Lauren face time tonight so she could tell her about it. Camila could be thinking to much about it but what if it meant something.

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