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It was one in the afternoon and when Lauren shut the door on Camila she went out to take a walk. Lauren needs some time to cool off and some time alone is needed for the both of them. Camila felt like an idiot. On one hand she did became more affectionate with Lauren to piss off Grace, but in the other she used it as an excuse to be touchy with her. Right now Lauren was probably in the hotel crying.

Camila kicked the small rock in front of her out of frustration she was ashamed of herself. Why would she do this to her. She was barely thinking in the moment. She did what she thought she should do without thinking about Lauren's feelings.

It was a little bit cold outside and Camila's jacket definitely wasn't going to keep her warm. Lucky for her there was a coffee shop just around the corner from where she was standing.

When she walked in, the bells above the door ringed and she was hit with the sweet smell of cupcakes and hot chocolate. Lauren would have absolutely loved this. If she forgave Camila maybe they could come back here before they had to leave.

The shop seemed pretty empty other then the man in the suit sitting by himself in the corner buried in his laptop. Camila walked to the counter and the worker gaved her a small smile. The girl was pretty her blue eyes stood out the most.

"Hi what would you like to order." the girl said in a french accent.

"What do you recommend." Camila smiled back at her hoping she could kill some time here.

"You have an American accent. Are you from the U.S." the worker asked curiously not use to having people from another place show up at the shop. People usually go to very well rated shops instead.

"Yeah, actually I am." Camila told her. "I came here with a friend for a job opening."

"That's good I hope you get it, and by the way the chocolate chip cupcake are the best."

"Thanks, and I'll take one of those and a coffee."

"No problem coming right up." the girl then went to the back to get the coffee. She seemed to be the only one working right now. Camila thought might as well spend some time here.

"Here you go, and its on the house." she offered.

"No, I couldn't."

"Dont worry about more like a congrats on the job."

"I didn't get it yet. Its between me and this girl that I can't stand." Camila told her as she rolled her eyes at the thought of her.

"Uh oh, what did this girl do."

"Its a long story."

"Yeah your right your holding up the line."

Camila turned around to see the empty shop and laughed at the girls playfulness.

"Well if you got time to listen to my life story then alright." she then went to take a seat at one of the tables while the girl who she still doesn't know the name of sat next in front of her.

"Those are usually the best kind of stories. By the way my name is Cindy." she introduced herself.

"I'm Camila, and honestly I don't know where to start." Camila didn't know why she was about to tell a girl who she hasn't know for five minutes about her problems she just felt like she needed to get it off her chest, it be best if she did it with a stranger that she won't ever see again.

"How about, how your in Paris wondering alone."

Camila looked down at her coffee not sure how to put it. "I uh... kinda used my best friend to make the girl I hate jealous at first." she said quickly.

Camila looked up to see a bad reaction but saw a warm smile.

"Isn't that a douchy move, I mean she's my best friend." Camila added.

"What did you do to make her think that."

"While we were having breakfast I kinda did try to do that but when I kissed her I did it because I wanted to but then got carried away when I saw the girl I hate behind her, that also has been nonstop flirting with her the last few years." Camila then rested her head on her hand realizing everything that went wrong.

"Why don't you like that girl, just because you guys are competing for the same job." Cindy pointed out carefully, not wanting to over step her boundaries.

Camila kept silent. She sat nervously in her seat thinking that maybe this was a wrong idea. She didn't want to think about it, maybe she was over thinking what happened in the first place. Not even Lauren knows about that night that happened with Grace, and she was planning on never telling her.

"There's something more I can tell, but you don't have to tell me. Lets just talk about your friend." Cindy continues on when she realized that Camila wasn't going to say anything. "Is she special to you."

Camila just subconsciously smiled thinking of her but then frowned remembering she hurt her. After everything she put her through she still managed to hurt her even more.

"More than anything."

"Then what are you doing here without her."

Camila looks at her confused she just told her that she's upset, and if she knows Lauren she likes her space to cool down.

"She shut the door in my face so basically I didn't have a choice." Camila said.

Cindy gives her a 'are you serious look'. She didn't know why she was so interested in Camila's story maybe it was because she had something similar happen to her. The only difference was that she didn't fix it.

"Im just gonna say this and you can tell that I getting out of line if I go to far, but if I were you I would try and be there for her. You know her better, but from experience I would have wished he had fought for me instead of drifting apart because he thought that was best." Cindy told her with a sad smile showing that she was still hurting from it. Camila assumed she was probably talking about her boyfriend.

Camila just sat there thinking that losing Lauren could be the worst thing ever. Of course she'll never let that happen but it hurts to think about it. Camila wanted to make it up to her but she knew Lauren likes action not talk. Maybe tonight's dinner will make it up to her.


"Thank you for taking your time to talk to me." Camila said glad that she meet someone like Cindy while she was here.

"No problem and next time hopefully you bring your friend." she said as she gave Camila a hug goodbye.

When Camila exited the store it was cloudy. Which was weird because it was beautiful this morning. The wind was blowing really hard that it made Camila's hair go in every direction. She was walking the opposite way of the hotel for a gift to Lauren that she knew she will love. It wasn't a gift for her to forgive Camila, she was gonna buy it regardless. After the 10 minute walk she walked into the not very known store. She called them that she was gonna pick it up so that's all it took. She was on her way back to the hotel but picked up some flowers as well.

For some unknown reason Camila had a uncomfortable feeling in her stomach. It wasn't a stomach flue or something that she ate. It was more like the kind you get when something bad was about to happen. She shook it off as she entered the elevator. She didn't know what time it was because her phone didn't charge the night before so she left it in their room.

When the elevator ride was over she walked to the room only to see Lauren standing there outside the door with her phone and a worried look on her face.

"Camila." Lauren said softly with her eyes threatening to cry tears.

"What happened?" Camila answers worriedly thinking the worst.

Instead of saying anything Lauren gave her the phone. It was opened on a certain voicemail that had her dads number by it. The time said that it was left on her phone about an hour ago.

Before she put it up to her ear Lauren huged her the flowers were in between their bodies but they didn't care. When they pulled away Camila then pressed play.

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