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Hit after hit, blood dripping from places that shouldn't be, hearing people in the background but not being to make out what they are saying because someone was in top of you want to make you feel pain, Lauren felt weak.

She could have hit back.

She's much bigger than the girl above her

But she didn't.

She liked it.

Being able to feel something even though it was painful shouldn't be liked. At least she thinks.

It wasn't till now she realized how numb she actually was. She had a great life. Parents who love her. Siblings who cared for her. Friends that are going to be there after one call. A best friend that she grew up with that she still had contact with after all this years. A good chance at doing what she loves as a career.

That's why she feels selfish for wanting people to feel bad for her. That's why she didn't hit back. She knew people were watching.

She thinks just because she never had the chance of love she has a sucky life. She's in love with her best friend. She watched her with many people over the years. Giving those people that didn't deserve her a chance to win her heart over. But they didn't take the opportunity to actually win her over.

"Vero stop!"

That might of been Camila who said that. Who knows, Lauren was losing lots of blood to keep conscious.

You would think people who are around would help, but no.

All they were doing was taking out their phones taking videos wanting to be the first ones to put it up. This was most likely gonna be the highlight of their week.

Two girls going at it for some reason that was still unknown to Lauren.

"Is that why you didn't want to help me in the first place! You wanted her to yourself!" Lauren heard after another hit to the face.

She then felt the weight being taken off of her. Normani who she assumed was helping her sit up. Lauren then opened her eyes and saw herself in the middle of a circle that was formed by students. She gained some of her energy back and looked in front of her.

Camila was holding Vero back. Who looked like she wanted to launch back at Lauren.

"Camila! Let go of me!" Vero yelled.

"Stop! Don't do this now!" Camila gritted through her teeth. Trying her best to hold her girlfriend back from hurting her best friend anymore than she already had.

"Oh so that word is in your vocabulary! But it wasn't when you had Lauren all over you!"

"What is going on here!" The dean of the university said as he tried to get through where the crowed was formed. When he saw one of his students being held back and another on the floor with blood on her face he knew this wasn't good. "In my office! Now!"

When Vero saw him she immediately calmed down. The crowed later then took off of they knew the fight was over.


"This is a school where people come to learn and look for opportunities! Not to bring the drama in their life and distract others!" The dean yelled at the four girls that where seated on the chairs in front of his desk. After Lauren got checked up on at the nurse Camila, Vero, Lauren, and Normani where told to meet him at his office.  

Lauren still felt lightheaded but she was fine. At least she thinks.

She had a ice pack on her face and tomorrow visible bruises were sure to appear.

"Who started this!"

No one answered.

"I could easily kick all four of you out my school if I wanted to, so you better speak up." He threatened.

"Vero did Sir." Normani said not being able to afford to lose her scholarship right when she's about to graduate. Vero then gaved her a bitchy look. Normani returned the gesture.

"Sir Normani had nothing to do with this." Camila sternly spoke up, not wanting her friend to get in trouble for her drunken mistake. Can she call it that. It surely didn't feel like a mistake once her friend showed her a clip of the party that then came back all to her. Lauren's lips, her body, her green eyes her....

"Cabello! Are you listening! I said are you positive that Ms. Kordei
had nothing to do with this!"

"Yes, I'm positive." Camila answered.

"You may go." He pointed at Normani who left the room but not before giving Camila and Lauren a small smile.

"I talked to some of students before you all came in and I already made my mind." Camila couldn't help but feel nervous, this wasn't suppose to happen. "Lauren, from my understanding you didn't fight back, and Camila you tried to break it up so I'll give you both warnings."

Camila let out a reveled sigh.

"But.." He continued. "I can't say the same for Vero."

Let's just say what happened next was not good.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now