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"I like this one better."

"Which one? The one with the flower pattern?"

"It's really pretty. How did your dress look when you and dad got married?"

"Well, it was a long white dress, it had a beautiful small jewels sewed in the front, the end was so long that your uncles had to keep it from dragging onto the floor, it was so beautiful, I think I still have it in the attic I'll show you later. I think you're going to love it."

"How did you feel when you got married." Camila asked her mother.

"Happy. Your father and I, knew each other since we could remember. When he asked me I absolutely said yes immediately. I was so happy, the ring was beautiful, but receiving it from your father made it worth more than it actually was. I knew that it was him who I wanted to share the rest of my life with. To have you and maybe another soon."

"A brother or a sister." Camila said excited about the idea of a younger sibling.

"Maybe. We'll see. We know you'd be a amazing older sister. Your father and I know it."

"Wow, I can't wait to get married one day and have a family."

"Woah, hold on, not just yet your only a kid sweetie. You still have a long life ahead of you." Sinu tells her daughter. Right now they are looking through bridal magazines because of a family members upcoming wedding.

"I know, I still have to meet my future princess."

"Wait. Did you just say princess?" The mother asked her daughter in surprise.

"Yeah. That can happen to right? When you left me with Jenny she was watching a show where two girls were together. Is that ok?" Camila asks now a bit nervous at mothers quietness.

"Yes! Of course it is. I will still love you no matter who you like. You know that right?" She tells her daughter who is putting a smile back on her face.

"I do."

"So... who has your eye? Any special girl on your mind?" Her mother teased.

"Not really, but today at school I met this new girl. Her name is Lauren."




"Hey. It's time to wake up." Lauren says hovering over Camila's sleepy body.

"Just a few more minutes."

"You said that 10 minutes ago. Come on it's time to get up." Lauren tried again.

"We don't have any classes today." Camila groaned as she turned around to shove her head into the pillow.

"We don't, but we do have work later today and we also have to pay bills, go get groceries..."

"Stop it. I hate being an adult." Camila pouted.

"I don't like it as much as you do but we have to unless you want to live on the street." Lauren reasoned.

"Is she here?"



"Oh. I'm not sure, it's 9 so maybe she did. I haven't heard any noises."

"Can you go check."

"Why do I have to check?"

"If I remember correctly, you're the one that wanted her stay."

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now