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A few days later

"Is everything ok Camila? I know you're usually quiet when we have our sessions but not even a greeting." He slightly smiled at her.

All Camila did was glare at the man in front of her. The only reason why she even showed up is because being at home alone was going to drive her crazy. She was officially on break from classes but, has no thoughts of going back to Miami.

Yet, at least.

Due to the holiday rush she quickly got hired at the bakery, which kept her busy at least part of the afternoon.

So far things are going great for her at the new job if it wasn't for the evil glances from her coworker. Should she even mention that it's Ally. They work together but are not on speaking terms. At least Ally isn't. Anytime Camila tries to get a word out of her about how Lauren's doing she gets the cold shoulder. She still hasn't given up though.

"I saw that you came alone this time. Doesn't your girlfriend usually drop you off?"

If looks could kill he would be dead on the floor and, he knew it. Although, it didn't change the fact that he expected it.

"I meet up with my ex if you're wondering." Camila decided to mention so he could get a clue on why Lauren didn't come.

"I'm guessing that didn't go well?"

Wow, she thought maybe all those degrees actually mean something.

"I hope you weren't expecting for it to go well either. I'm not sure in the way you handled it but, just know that something's might get more difficult before they get better. Now tell me something, after your talk with your ex how do you feel?"


After all of that Camila felt like it didn't do anything. If it did anything at all, it made her urges for a drink even stronger.

But of course she wasn't going to tell him that.

"We said, what we had to say to each other."

That they did.


"Camila, what the hell is she doing here." Lauren gritted through her teeth as calmly as possible as someone could be in this situation.

"Lauren, just hear me out..."

"Yeah Lauren just hear her out." Vero mocks.

Camila turns to face her, "Can you not make things more complicated."

"Those are my exact words to you." Lauren says facing Camila in disbelief.

"Lauren please just let me..." a hand slapped Camila right across the face sending her a step back. As she brings her own up to where the burning sensation she feels a cut with a dribble of blood. Probably from a ring but, Lauren doesn't wear any rings.

"Wow, who knew you had it in you shorty." Vero says surprised but amused.

"Ally, don't." Lauren grabs the shoulder of the older girl who was ready to hit Camila again.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now