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"So did you came up was a decision yet." Ashely told Lauren who sat across the booth from her.

After last night conversation with Camila Lauren realized she can't bear the thought of her being with Vero any much longer. It also seemed obvious that they won't be breaking up anytime soon so she at least wanted to hear what Ashely would propose to do in order for them to break up. So after Camila went to bed she called her and they decided to meet up for lunch. 

"What do you intend on doing anyway." 

"It's what we both would be doing in order for this to work. I would be spendeing a lot of time with Vero as you will be doing with Camila."

"Is that it?" Lauren scoffed at the idea how was that supposed to work. If thats was all she had to do she would have had Camila years ago. At this moment she knew maybe calling Ashely wasn't the right thing to do.

"No that's not all you do." Ashely spoke getting frustrated with Lauren's attitude. "When you hang out with Camila do small things that a girlfriend would do. Like to show interest but not making it that obvious. Buy her some of her favorite candy or flowers. Remind her of the great times you guys had together as kids, be a little more touchy with her holding her hand."

"Are you sure that's going to work." Lauren was a little skeptical about it what if the other two girls caught on to their plan. 

"It wouldn't hurt to try, but one of our problems is that their basically attached to the hip."

Lauren could agree with that statement. Before it used to be just her and Camila but ever since Vero came into the picture she couldn't help but feel like the third wheel. Lauren also hated when she would stay over at their place all the time, she despised her when she would wake up in the morning and walk into her kitchen only to see Vero wearing Camila's sweater from high school that Lauren use to wear all the time.

"So what should we do about that?" Lauren asked.

"Easy. I'll tell Vero I need help studying and Camila will have nothing to do but hang out with you." Ashely said with a smile."

"Geez thanks for the support. Anyway when do we start."


"Wait how would you known I would have agreed to this." Lauren told her.

"I just knew that you wouldn't be able to resist so tonight Camila's all yours"

Half and hour later Lauren was walking home the September air was nice and comfortable so she decided to take a walk in the park. The last time she came to the park he was with Camila it was something they would always do. But now they don't do much of anything together. It made her sad to think about it she used to be her priority but now sometime she barely even looks at her. Hopefully now that will change if the things go right. She knew that Camila was happy but Lauren herself wasn't. Lauren always looked out for the people around her she was always making sure if every one was happy she then forgot to check on herself if she was happy and right now only one person could give her the happiness. Yes she knew that it would be selfish but sometimes you just have to be.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now