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"I don't think this is a good idea."
Camila breaths out nervously.

"I thought this is was what you wanted?"

"When I said I needed help I meant you. Not some middle aged man who I pay each hour to say what's wrong with me, especially when I already know." Camila rants to her girlfriend as they were sat patiently in a waiting room.

"Camila, sometimes the problem is deeper than what you think. He's just going to try to help."

"He's trying to help himself. All he's going to do is get me to come back here on a weekly basis to get money out of my pocket, or prescribed some stupid medication or whatever is that they do."

"That's no true."

Camila sighed as she slumped in her seat dreading to be here.

"Give it a try first. Please."
Lauren begged her.

Seeing that Lauren had a bit of hope in her eyes Camila decided to stop her whining. "Fine. I'll do it for you."

Lauren internally groaned at that response.

"What?" Camila asked seeing Lauren's sour face.

"Camz, I don't want you to do this for me. I want you to do it for you. I want you to get better because you want to, not because of me." Lauren reached out to grab Camila's hand. "I have to leave in a few minutes, but promise me that you're at least going to try."

"Wait, why are you leaving?"

"It's just some last minute things I have to take care of. I'll be back to pick you up when you get out, but do you promise me?"

Camila looked at her for a few minutes, debating wether to promise her something she may or may not keep.


"Fine. I promise." She said unenthusiastically.

"Camila Cabello?"

"Yeah, that's her." Lauren pointed at her girlfriend who really didn't want to be here. Camila shrunk into her seat further.

"Dr. Conner is ready for you. Right this way." The receptionist started leading the way.

"I'll be back in an hour." Lauren pecked Camila's lips goodbye as she made her way towards the exit.

"Bye." Camila softly says watching her leave.

She looks at the lady that suppose to lead her in the room and took a few breaths in and made her way towards her.

Well, this is gong to be fun.


"Well look who decided to show up. Lauren did you forget that you're the one directing this show."

"No, I'm sorry I just had some personal things I needed to get done." Lauren explains herself, a little caught off guard that her teacher decided to make a appearance for the first time.

"Doesn't matter. This needs to be your priority, you need to focus, do you want to guess who's coming to your show tomorrow?"


"Many important people you want to leave good impression on. Don't mess this up Lauren, you may never get another chance like this again. Push your personal problems aside until this Saturday. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir, thank you for the opportunity." Lauren tries to sound grateful but this guy really can be a jack ass to everyone.

"Don't thank me just yet." Lauren's professor walked away with a scowl on his face.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now