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After everything that has been going on, this was the last thing Camila expected to be thrown on her plate of problems. If you were to tell her this was all some sort of dream she would have believed you.

"Is that all?" She says to the officer who either has a problem with her, or is naturally a pain in the ass.

"Yes, for now." He emphasized the now. "We'll call you when we get the DNA samples."

Camila rolled her eyes. She would have said they were just wasting their time, but that might get her in trouble so she just walked away.

She was positive she closed last night, that she was sure of. Most likely whether or not she proves it wasn't her, she would now have to find another job. She doubts that they would even trust her after this.

You would think after being questioned by cops for vandalism, she would only focus on that but her thought led back to Lauren. After making eye contact with her, she was tempted to walks towards her and explain everything. Obviously that wasn't an option, since it wasn't the appropriate time. If Lauren was going to refuse to talk to her, Camila had to make herself be heard.

When she was alone in her car the overwhelming of the situation made her frustrated that without thinking, she hit her injured hand on the steering wheel out of anger.

"Shit!" She groans as she clutches her hand to her chest waiting for the pain to go away. The bandage needed to be changed because she managed to make it bleed more then it already was. Driving like this all the way was quite difficult since she could barely hold on to the steering wheel. When she got home it was already dark and most of the day was gone since she was answering questions about what happened.

When she stepped inside she threw her keys to the table then she stopped in her tracks. Something didn't seem right. Lauren's bedroom door was slightly open. Her door was closed ever since the day she left.

Taking slow steps towards Lauren's room, Camila carefully opened it. Some clothes were scattered across the floor and on the bed as drawers were left open as well.

Already knowing that it wasn't going to be there, Camila checked the closet to find Lauren's suitcase gone.

Suddenly feeling dizzy, Camila sat on the bed. The same bed they would lay in and talk all night after a bit of fooling around.





"That's where I want to go one day. Hopefully at least."

"Of course you'll go. I'll make sure to take you anywhere you want to go in the future." Camila says confidently.

They are currently lying in Lauren's bed, with nothing but bedsheets covering their exposed bodies. Lauren is snuggled in Camila's right side, with her head placed on her chest. Camila grabs her hand, and kisses the back of it then interlaces their fingers together.

"Really?" Lauren says glad the room is dark otherwise Camila would see her blushing.

"Yup. I hope we could just get up and travel one day while we're still young, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I get it. Before we get older and get caught up in our jobs and probably a... never mind."

"A what?"

Lauren can practically see her smiling without actually looking at her.

"I mean... a family probably?" Lauren said hoping not to freak Camila out.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now