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"This way please." The tour guide led Camila and Lauren through The Louvre museum.

After they ate this was the first place Lauren wanted to visit. Things have been silent between them since they left the hotel. Neither made a move to speak and they were fine with it. They were just getting use to each other after their confession of Lauren's feelings and Camila's possible feelings. It was awkward at first but then they started being themselves.

They weren't listening to the tour guide at all. They kept looking at the surroundings and that was enough for them to appreciate the art work around them.

An hour later they walked around more and then decided to leave the place and head for the most popular sight in Paris. The Eiffel Tower.

Camila brought her camera to take some pictures for memory. But she found herself taking more pictures of Lauren than the tower itself but she couldn't help it.

"This is amazing." Lauren spoke staring at the sight in front of her. 

"Yeah, it is." Camila added.

They both sat at one the benches that faced the tower to take a break from all the walking they did so far. It was a cloudy day but everything couldn't be more perfect. It was cold but it didn't bother them at all. They just used it as a excuse to walk closer to each other to keep warm.

"Can I tell you something?" Lauren asked timidly, not wanting to cross any boundaries with Camila after everything that was revealed earlier.

"Yeah, sure. Don't feel like you can't tell me anything anymore." Camila asured her.

"I just don't what you to get upset or mad at me." Lauren says in a soft tone playing with the end of her scarf that she was wearing.

"I would never, you can tell me."

"What did you see in Vero." Lauren asked.

"What do mean?" Camila says confused by her question. She didn't know where Lauren was going with this.

"Where you happy with her? In front of people you guys where okay, but I did notice alot of fighting the last few weeks." Lauren told her about her observations she saw between them.

Camila didn't say anything for awhile and Lauren was starting to think she upset her. Camila was thinking about the first fight she had with her ex girlfriend involving Vero telling her parents about them dating.



A pile of clothes where on the floor leading towards Camila's room, where bed sheets were tossed and heavy panting could be heard. Camila couldn't be more happy right now, she felt like she was falling in love. The girl laying next to her couldn't be anymore perfect in her eyes.

They lay in bed trying to slow down their breathing while covered in sweat from recent activities. Camila was about to say 'I love you' at the last second but she felt like it would have been a bad time for it.

Vero probably would have thought she doesn't mean it and that it was in the heat of the moment. So Camila didn't say it yet.

"That was amazing." Vero said breathlessly.

All Camila did was smile because she really did feel like she was falling in love with this girl. Its only been a few months that they have been dating but it was incredible so far. The only thing that has been holding them back of making their relationship really official was that Vero, never told her parents that they have been together. Camila told her parents way before and the both of them faced timed them a couple of times already, but everytime Vero's parents would call and Camila was in the room she would tell her to be quiet.

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