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"Ladies and gentleman we will soon be arriving soon so I recommend getting your things together so you won't forget." The flight attendant warns everyone through the speaker on the flight just as they were about to land on ground.

Lauren couldn't be more grateful at the thought of being back in
her own bed back at the apartment. She had a lot of catching up to do in her classes but she at least needed to see her friends first. Luckily Dinah offered to pick her up so they could hang out for awhile at least.

She was really excited to see her friends and maybe come clean
to them what has been happening lately in her life. She hopes
they don't think the worst of her on
what she tried to do with
Ashley, but she needed to get
it off her chest somehow before
she tells the wrong person and they use it against her.

When they landed she didn't even look at Vero who was already
up and out of her seat. After there little chat they didn't they anything to each other after that, not even wanting to look at the other. By the looks of it she might have looked at
her phone and saw something
that pissed her off. Or more like she didn't see something, but Lauren didn't think of it as
much, just glad that they were getting away from each other.

When she made her way into the airport and saw a tall blond standing and waving like a maniac she knew she had just spotted Dinah.

"Hey! hows it going, I just saw Vero come off of the plane too. She seemed pretty pissed off." Dinah said confused.

"Who cares about her. I'm glad to see you!" Lauren says as she hugs Dinah, but dismisses the other girl once and for all.

"Ok.... but how's Camila she hasn't been picking up my phone calls."

"To be honest, I have no idea." Lauren says truthfully running her hand through her hair. "When we were in Miami all she was trying to do was get her mind off of it."

"What was she doing in the mean time?"

"We just hung out with her sister and you know... talked about..." Lauren paused for a second.

"Talked about what?" Dinah questioned after she stopped explaining.

"I-I kinda want to tell all of you girls at the same time, if you don't mind." Lauren tells her a bit shy not wanting to tell her all at once.

"Sure I don't mind. But is it serious?"

"Kind of. Promise you won't think differently of me if I tell you." Lauren says now replaying everything Vero said to her. What if it does seem like she tried to take advantage of her best friend simply for her interest.

"Of course not. None of us would, we love you no matter what you're crazy ass did." Dinah assured her as they walk towards her car.

Lauren couldn't help but laugh a bit. "You make it hard to be serious, you know that."

"It's my job as a friend to keep smiles on all your faces."

"Thanks." Lauren sincerely says glad that she had a friend like her at times like theses.

When they got in the car all they could do was turn up the music to Beyoncé which is the only music Dinah plays in her car, all they way up.

"Why are we at my apartment I thought we were all going out to eat?" Lauren asks after they pulled up to her place confused with the change of plans.

"I figured it's not that late so why not go out to the club instead." She says innocently knowing that Lauren might reject the idea.

"Really." She says not amused one bit about the sudden idea.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now