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Lauren had always blamed herself.

She has no right to be upset, she was the one that introduced them to each other. It was only one encounter, however how was she suppose to know that they would end up dating in the end of it.

Camila and Lauren had a complicated friendship. Well at least to Lauren it was. Camila always seemed unbothered by it. They grew up together which they were grateful for, if they didn't have each other growing up would have been ten times more difficult than it was.

At the age around 13 Lauren realized she didn't like boys. She didn't get nervous around them, she didn't feel butterflies in her stomach like her friends have described that they have felt before on their current crushes, but she has felt that way before only towards her best friend. They didn't keep secrets around each other and Lauren wasn't going to start.

After Lauren told Camila later that night, about her liking towards girls, Camila unexpectedly leaned in to kiss her.

It was both of their first kiss, and that was just a first of many things. They didn't date but they had their first time together which was Lauren's only time, she still had hope Camila and her would give it a chance in the future, which is why she won't give anyone else a shot. That and she would feel unfair for her to be with someone when she liked someone else.

But Camila was definitely not waiting, considering her present girlfriend now.


Lauren met her during softball practice and invited her for a barbecue where Camila and her hit it off.  They seemed to get along, but at the time Vero had a boyfriend.

It wasn't until last spring break Lauren went back home and Camila decided to stay back at the apartment they had just moved into. On one night Camila was invited to a party by her friend, Dinah, who wouldn't stop insisting for her to join the party, later Camila decided to make a appearance, after she had a few drinks in her and it being awhile since she had been with somebody, the next day she woke up with a stranger in her bed, only to find out it wasn't really a stranger.

When Lauren found out she thought it would be just a fling like the many other relationships Camila had in the past, but it wasn't. It would be their fifth month anniversary tomorrow.

So when Lauren saw her walk into the bar she knew that Camila would be leaving with her after their shift if over, she always does when Vero visits her at work.

She was right.

After they cleaned up Camila took off with her girlfriend. Jealousy, envy, anger is what Lauren felt why couldn't it have been her that Camila had eyes for. 

Lauren made her way into her apartment that she shared with her only for it to be empty. She turned on the lights and decided to get ready for bed it was almost 3 in the morning  she had no classes the next day but she planned on getting her self busy so she wouldn't have to think about Camila.

The next day the apartment smelled like bacon and waffles along with coffee which Lauren knew it must have been Camila feeling sorry for leaving about last night.

"Gooood moooornig!" Camila sung as she saw Lauren enter the kitchen. "Listen about yesterday, I'm sorry that I left with Vero she was just upset last night." Camila explained. Upset? She didn't seem upset when she started to slide her tongue into Camilas mouth after she saw her, but Lauren kept that to herself.

"It's ok Camz I understand." She didn't really but she couldn't just flat out say she disliked her best friends girlfriend. That would make her seem selfish as long as Camila was happy she wouldn't say anything.

"So what do you want to do today?" Camila asked.

"Wait didn't Vero want to celebrate your 5 month anniversary  or I thought you guys would want to be at least together today?"

"Her family's in the city for the weekend so well do something next week."

"We could go to the movies." Lauren changed the subject not wanting to talk about Vero anymore, she just wanted to spend some time with Camila.

"It look like its gonna storm today so might as well stay in." Camila said taking a bite out of the waffles she made.

"I guess so" Lauren replied.

"So..." Camila dragged out. "Seeing anyone special?"

"No, not at the moment." Lauren said not wanting to talk about her waiting life more the lack of it.

"I know someone that you could be interested in." Camila suggested. "Her name is Ashley she's new to our school actually."

"Camz what did I say about setting me up with people." Lauren said a little annoyed that Camila along with many other people she knows think that she wants to be set up on a blind date. She was happy being on her own, she would be even more happy if the girl infront of her had feelings for her, but she could just keep on dreaming because Camila would never reciprocate those feelings back. At least that what she thinks.

Ring ring

Lauren was grateful for the interruption so she wouldn't have this conversation with Camila.

"Hello" Camila answered her phone.

Lauren wasn't listening giving Camila privacy she went and sat at the living room couch after she finished eating. Should she at least give this Ashley girls a chance. No, she thought that would just be unfair to her and to herself who was she kidding  she knows she could never have feelings for somebody else.

"Lauren guess who that was on the phone." Camila said excitedly as she entered the room.

"I think I have an idea by the look on your face."

"It was the editor and they want to use my photos in their magazine, $500 on each photo all 4 of them."

"That's amazing camz I'm so happy for you." Lauren told her as she got off the couch to hug her.

"You know what with the extra cash I'll have next week I can take you out tonight for dinner at one of those fancy places."

"Sure camz that'll be great." Lauren laughed at her choice of words but it was Camila what did she expect. Now that Lauren thought about is how would tonight go. She thought they where just going to grab dinner but little did she know what would actually happen.

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