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"Hi? Where have you been you missed work and you didn't come home last night." Lauren told Camila after the brown eyed girl walked in to the shared apartment.

It was currently 8 in the morning and Lauren was eating breakfast to get her day started.

"I told you I was going to Dinah's."

"Alright, if you say so." Lauren then walked by past her smelling alcohol. Lauren knows that Camila only drinks when she is trying to avoid a problem, and it worried her that Camila was drinking during the weekday.

"Camila are you lying?" Lauren asked. She knew it wasn't her place to ask but why won't Camila just tell her. She's acting like she hiding something.

"No! Why do you care where I have been anyway!" Camila snapped tired of the questioning from her best friend, she just wanted to come home and change before she went to her morning classes, and her headache isn't helping either.

Lauren was shocked by Camila's outburst. While growing up Camila was always gentle with her. She was patient as well and never raised her voice towards her.

"Because I was worried about you, you didn't come to work and you weren't here and wouldn't answer your phone. What was I suppose to think!" Lauren then grabbed her bag a headed out the door. Her car still didn't work and after what happened she definitely didn't want to be in the same vehicle as her. The walk to campus was a long way and most likely she was going to be late.

Meanwhile back at the apartment after Lauren left, Camila went into her room and shut the door and laid in her bed. She wasn't feeling well and was already going to be late so she thought might as well not go if she wasn't even going to pay attention.

But after a few minutes guilt washed over her. Maybe she was a little to harsh on Lauren. If it was the other way around she would have been just as worried. She didn't get to think to much because her phone than ringed.

"Hello." She answers without checking.

"Camila it's Ashely how you been, haven't seen you on a while."

"Fine. You?"

"Good as well. Last night I was a the bar and didn't see you there."

"I just had a day off." Camila told her wanting to end the call because the pain in her head was getting worse.

"I called cause I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch sometime?"

"Yeah sure tomorrow would be great." Camila told to get the call over with.

"So anyway does Lauren's car work yet."

"What?" Camila asked not knowing of the situation.

"Last night I had to take Lauren home because her car broke down."

At that Camila got up and checked outside to see the vehicle still in place. She felt like a jerk a that moment because Lauren most likely had to walk.

"Listen Ashely I'll call you later."

Before the other girl could get a word Camila hung up and tried to call Lauren but all she did was get send to voicemail.

Back at campus Lauren saw the incoming call but chose to ignore it. All she was trying to do was look out for the younger girl and she was worried about her. Lauren left her phone on silent and then turned her attention to the professor who was giving instructions on the paper that was due.


After the end of the day Lauren decided to go find Dinah to tell her if she was with Camila the day before.

As she walked out of the parking lot she saw the taller girl by the soda machine talking to a cute boy. She rolled her eyes because she knew the boy was a jerk but here was Dinah flirting with him. She let it a cough to let them know of her presence. The boy was clearly annoyed by the interruption but then dismissed himself.

"What was that for." Dinah asks.

"Was Camila with you last night." 

"No I haven't seen her in a while." Dinah tells her.

"So you didn't call her either."

"No. Why is everything all right." Dinah asks Lauren worriedly about her friend.

"Yeah everything just fine." Lauren's tells her not trying to worry her. Dinah was the type of friend that jokes with you but at serious moments would take care of you.

"I'll see you later Dinah." Lauren than headed down the sidewalk on her way home until she noticed the familiar car parked where she would usually park her car, and her best friend leaning against it.

Camila didn't say anything she just walked to the passenger side of the door and opened it, Lauren knew that was a sign to get in unless she wanted to walk home.

After Camila closed the door she got in the driver seat and pulled out of the parking lot. She made her way on the road but on the opposite side from there way home. Lauren didn't say anything and they drove in silence. After 20 minutes they pulled up at one of their favorite ice cream shops. Lauren then smiled to herself because ever since their first fight when they where 10 and Camila would apologize with ice cream because it was Lauren favorite. She turned to look at Camila who was already looking at her with a apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry that I lashed out at you this morning its just that after I got that call who was my dad he told me my mom isn't doing better and I just needed some time to myself." Camila explained.

Camila's mom had cancer and the doctors said that their was a 50/50 chance that she would be cured but it looks like it's the bad half of the 50 that is happing.
Lauren was their for Camila when she first found out two years ago. Their were both 19 at the time at a party when Camila got the call, she used to love getting calls from back home but ever since then she would dread them. That night Camila drinked so much alcohol she was taken to the hospital to get her stomach pumped. Lauren was worried dearly for her, Camila would just hide her feelings about it and not speak about the situation even to this day. It wasn't until few months ago Camila found a reason to not drink, and that reason was her girlfriend. But it looks like that's not a enough of a reason now since Camila is drowning her thoughts in alcohol again.

After a while they both made it inside the shop to get the ice cream they came for. One thing that Lauren knew about Camila is to not tell her 'everything will be ok' because she doesn't know that, it would just be a lie because in life something's just don't turn out ok, you just have to let it make you stronger.

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