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5 years later

"You got to be kidding me." Lauren said as she frustratedly ran through the moving boxes. "Please be in here. Please be in here."

When she doesn't find what she's looking for she leans back against the wall and slides down to the floor. "This can't be happening."

"What's wrong."

"I think the stupid movers lost a box. The dress I was going to wear tonight was in there."

"Don't worry, it's fine..."

"It's really not, tonight is a very important night for me and I just feel so overwhelmed with everything that's been happening the last few days." Lauren felt tears dwell at the corner of her eyes.

The move back New York was a hassle. The movers took days to bring Lauren her things and it appears not everything made it to her. One of those things being her three thousand dollar dress that she was going to wear at the premiere of her new show she directed tonight. Apparently there were going to lots of important people there including some famous journalist that Lauren could tell would tear her show to shreds if they didn't like it. She didn't exactly take negative criticism so well. Especially people that have the power to make her seem like a joke.

"Hey, look at me just take a breath, freaking out won't make things go any smoother.

Lauren stoped, and did what she was told. Thinking back to what she learned in L.A, Lauren took a deep breath and counted to ten and back. It always calmed her down when she was freaking out.

"Thanks. I really needed that."

"No problem, that's what I'm here for."

"Really though. Thank you helping with the move and taking care of Duke as well Gabby, I know you got a kid now and everything sorry for taking up your time."

"Seriously Lauren, it's not problem. If anything I should be thanking you. I haven't gotten out of the house in a long while. Helping unpack a soon to be famous director is the most interesting thing I done in the last two years compared waiting for my son to pass a lego he swallowed. By the way don't be surprised if something of yours goes up on eBay in the next year."

"Oh I won't, by the way would you please put my socks back where you found them before you leave."

"You see I would, but I need to make a living some how."

Lauren laughs as she forgets for a minute all the things that will happen to today.

"I need to go get ready, todays already been a hectic day and I don't want to be late on top of that. The tickets for the girls and you are in the envelope on the counter." Lauren says as she gets up and starts tearing into other boxes.

"Oh." Gabby lets out as she opens the envelope.


"Only four tickets?"

"Yeah. Ally, Dinah, Normani, and you. Why?"

"Nothing, I just thought..."

"That she was coming? Trust me I rather not have a empty seat again."

"Ok... so I'm going to head out. Good luck with everything, remember don't put to much pressure on yourself. Enjoy tonight and if anything goes wrong just see it as a learning experience." Gabby said as she grabs her car keys.

"Thanks, I really needed that." As they shared an embrace Lauren goes back to finding what to wear.
That's what she made it look like until she was left alone.

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