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"I change my mind." Camila groans from the couch as Lauren try's to get up from their comfortable position. She currently is lying down with her head on Lauren's legs. "Let's not go. Lets stay in tonight."

"Camila, you should have said something a few hours ago when I asked you, its to late now, she's probably already getting ready."

"Who cares she shouldn't have asked anyway. Who knows what game she's trying to play, besides its not like its necessary to go." she argues.

"You don't have to go."
Lauren says softly running her hands through Camila's hair as her head lays in her lap.

"If you go, I'm going. There's not a chance I'm going to leave you alone with her."

"Well, I'm going to take a shower."

"Can I join you." Camila asks with a mischievous smile.

"Nope, I'm pretty sure if we shower together we won't be getting out soon." Lauren says with a slight blush at the thought of them in the bathroom together like last time when they had the water hitting their bodies as Camila kissed her.

"What sounds so bad about that."

Instead of getting a response Camila gets a pillow thrown at her head as Lauren skips out of the room laughing.

"That wasn't funny!"

Camila was left alone not wanting to get up just yet. If she was being honest with herself, tonight's dinner worried her a bit. She knew she had nothing to stress about but she couldn't help it. She's absolutely coming along so she could send the message to Sierra that Lauren was off limits.

Now that Vero was out of the picture Camila didn't want anyone else to interfere with the both of them. Now that her mind was on that she thought back to Grace.

She never told Lauren about her because frankly Camila didn't really care for the other girl.
She still hasn't told Lauren about the possible job offer because it was already a eventful day, so she decided to keep it to herself till the time is right.

When she heard the shower stop, she knew it was time to get ready fir this so called dinner, or Lauren would end up leaving without her.

"Camila!" Lauren called out.


"Can you hand me a towel. I forgot to grab one on the way in."

"Oh, did you?" Camila teased.

"Camila!" Lauren groaned. "The floor is getting all wet."

"Fine." Camila made her way to the hallway closet and grabbed a towel on her way. To her surprise when she was about to hand the towel, Lauren opened the door wide open. Camila fully saw her with no clothes on.

Jaw opened, she handed the towel to Lauren, or more like Lauren grabbed it form her.

"Is something wrong Camila?" Lauren playfully knowing the affect she had on her.

"Y-yeah, um, I'm going to take a shower too." Camila said tripping over her words unashamedly looking at Lauren's glistening body.

"Well, the bathroom is all yours." Lauren walked past her towards her room her body fully covered, with a smile on her face.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now