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"Hi, nice to see you again Ms. Cabello, you can sit anywhere you want." A man who's in his early 30s told Camila as she walked into the room.

"Thank you, this is my friend Lauren by the way." Camila introduced them not wanting Lauren to be left out. She didn't want to come because she felt like she was going to do something wrong and embarrass Camila. But she tagged along anyway.

"Nice to meet you, are you two girlfriends." the same guy said with a smile.

"Ohh... we're not.." Camila than got interrupted by a female voice that sounded very familiar.

"They're just friends. Camila just got out of a relationship not long ago. Right Camila?" a voice said behind them. Camila already knew who it was and couldn't help but let out a annoyed scoff.

It was Grace.

"I'm sorry to hear that Camila, but anyway I'll be right back I have to go to check that everything is ready." the man then dismissed himself.

"Hey Lauren, how are you?"Grace said In a flirty tone as the three of them were left alone.

"Great and you?" Lauren said back not realizing the tension between them.

"You just made my day better. You look beautiful by the way."

Camila wanted to throw up. Everyone knew that Grace was a flirt. Camila learned that the hard way, she didn't like that she was putting a move on Lauren.

Lauren was blushing a bit, she rarely gets compliments so she appreciated each one. Camila notices this and doesn't like it at all.

"Don't you think you should go to your seat." Camila said in a cold tone.

"I'm sorry, don't you think its a bit rude to interrupt a conversation." Grace told her trying to annoy Camila. She was obviously getting under her skin.

"You mean like you just did not even a few seconds ago, and by the way you have no right to talk about my dating life, like you know what's going on."

"My bad its just that gossip flys around and almost everyone knows that you cheated on Vero. So I just assumed that the both of you were done." Grace said mockingly.

"We are but that doesn't matter to you anyway." Camila gritted through her teeth not wanting to snap at her in front of everyone.

Before anyone of them said anything people started to be seated so they sat down as well.

"Are you ok?" Lauren whispers in Camila's ear.

"Yeah, just amazing." she answered sarcastically, giving Grace a death glare across the table.

"Hey." Lauren tries to get her attention but Camila ignores her. She then gently grabs her chin to get her attention. "Don't play right into her game she's just trying to upset you."

Camila relaxes into Lauren's touch while looking into her eyes. Lauren was right. She need to calm down before she losses her temper.

Camila looks up and sees Grace glaring back at her. She seemed mad that Lauren was that close to her face. Camila then had a smirk on hers and a idea.

She scooted closer to Lauren and kissed her cheek. "Thanks for looking out for me." she said in low voice that made Lauren shiver.

"N..no problem." Lauren stuttered.

She didn't question Camila's intentions right now but she would later.

"Hello everyone." the manager of the company said. "It's nice to see you all here today. As everyone knows that we have two very talented young ladies that we want to add to our team next year, but there is only one spot open so we will have to see who is more qualified for this position later on, but as of right now lets all enjoy this wonderful meal that is prepared for us."

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now