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The following Monday morning came in a flash and Lauren got up to get ready for her classes. For the first time in forever she actually had woken up early so she had time to relax in bed. She debated weather to get up now or to sleep in for awhile. As her eyes where about to close she felt a heavy weight on her.


"Camila!" Lauren yells when Camila threw herself on top of her.

"Get up." Camila says not making a move to get up herself.

"Camila get off" Lauren tells her only a bit weaker than before, now enjoying having Camila on top of her. After a few seconds without a response Lauren feels Camila's chest rising up and down against hers with slow   leisurely breaths. When she was sure the girl on top of her feel asleep she decided to join as well.

One hour later Lauren heard a loud cough disrupt her from her sleep. It definitely wasn't Camila's, she would of felt it. With the curtains drawn closed the room was still dark. But she felt another presence in her bedroom.

"Good you're awake." Vero who was standing at the edge of the bed said in a harsh tone.

"Good morning." Lauren greeted her. Even though she didn't mean it.

"Camila was suppose to meet me for breakfast 45 minutes ago but... I can see what was holding her up." Vero now had her arms crossed across her chest looking every where else but at the two girls on the bed, upset that her girlfriend stood her up and especially that she was on top of another girl.

Was she jealous?

That's what Lauren was thinking. Why else would she be so vehement about. Last night when she talked to Camila on the phone she seemed fine. Did something happen with Ashely that now has her in bad mood.

Or you know it could be the fact that Camila was suppose to meet her for breakfast and then found her in a very intiment position with her best friend.  

Most likely no one would like to see their significant other sprawled against someone else.

"Sorry... I should wake her up." Lauren mumbled. "Camz wake up." She then gently shook the girl above her.

Camila was stirring awake, her head tilting up Lauren was the first thing she saw as she opened her eyes, Camila not aware that her very pissed off girlfriend behind her then proceeded to give a good morning kiss to Lauren's cheek.

Lauren so badly wanted to enjoy that but she practically felt Vero's eyes burning holes through them.

"Babe" Vero said in a very sarcastically voice rolling her eyes.  

Camila unaware of her arrival jumped off of Lauren quickly falling onto the floor with a thud.

"Oh... H-hey how are y-you." Camila stuttered out her face flushed red trying to get off the floor.

Vero simply turned her back and left the room.

Even though it wasn't a good situation to be in Lauren really wanted to laugh but she felt that it would be rude. Maybe when she's alone.

Camila then left the room to apologize. Seeing what time it was Lauren finally got up to take a shower so she could then head out to her classes.

She got in the shower only for a few minutes so she could have enough time to have breakfast, and maybe she might have had a laugh at Camila's awkwardness after she fell off the bed.

After Lauren put on a black sweater with ripped jeans she made her way towards the living room since that's where she left her shoes at. The front door was open and Lauren overheard arguing going on. Of course Lauren respected her friend, so she was going to give her some privacy but she couldn't avoid hearing the last part.

"...you know I don't feel that way about Lauren we always have been that close and you have nothing to worry about"

We'll see about that Lauren thought, little do they know what's going on behind their backs. Now more than ever Lauren was determined to win Camila's heart.


As the day dragged on and Lauren's classes that seem to feel like hours but only actually 60 minutes Lauren realized that she definitely needs to talk to Ashley because this morning when she had Camila in her arms

It was a feeling that she could get use to.

After hearing Camila's conversation with Vero she was now determined more than ever to be hers. She just had to play her cards right.

The professor than ended up dismissing them for the day. As Lauren made her way out of the class she bumped into one of her friends Normani.

"Oh hey lo haven't seen you or Camila in a while. What have you guys been up to?"

"We just have been working late."

"This Saturday the girls and I are having a party if you guys wanna swing by?" Normani told her.

"I'll see if Camila can make it but I would definitely be there." Lauren's says. "So... I heard the rumors going around." Lauren than raises her eyebrows at the girl in front of her.

"What rumors?" Normani try's to pretend not knowing what she meant.

"I mean you and Dinah."

"Oh yeah we're just friends." Normani says as she looks around the halls trying to avoid eye contact. "See you at the party." She than walked the opposite way. More like speed walked.

Lauren laughed to herself as she made her way towards her car. She didn't even bother to wait for Camila because she driven her own car.

They would see each other at work anyway.

Lauren drove down to her apartment to at least take a nap and eat something before work. She told Camila that she was going to ally's house after but than she decided she didn't want to.

She saw Vero's car parked outside, thinking nothing of it she then made her way to the front of the door and pulled out her keys when she opened the door she wished that she'd actually have gone to ally's.

On the couch there was a shirtless and breathless Camila, and her girlfriend sitting on her hips in only her underwear. When they stopped their heated make out session they made no move to cover themselves.

Lauren quickly covered her eyes so she wouldn't see the almost naked girl on top of the love of her life. This isn't the first time she's walked in on them. But this time it actually hurt seeing them in that position.

"Lauren I thought you were going to ally's place." Camila said as she tried to push her girlfriend off of her but she wouldn't budge.

"I thought I... Would get some rest before work... But sorry i'll leave you two alone." Lauren then made her way towards her room but she made eye contact with Vero who had a smug look on her face like she wanted Lauren to seem them like this. Like she's trying to make a point now, she maybe wants to point out that Camila's hers.

Lauren was debating in her head if that was true or not maybe she just happened to walk in the wrong time and is making a big deal out if it.

All she needed to know now was how to get Camila to go to that party without Vero so her next step of the plane would work.

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