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When Camila's lips crashed on to Lauren's she automaticity kissed back with the exact same force, maybe even more eagerly the she liked to admit. She had the pair of lips that she had been fantasizing for so long on hers again. This time sober. Her hands ran wildly through Camila's hair. The last time they kissed seemed like ages ago. But how could Lauren forget her soft lips moving swiftly against her own. Lauren was pushed back on the couch gently on her back by Camila who was now straddling her not putting all her weight on her so she wouldn't hurt her. Their bodies were fully against each other's for the most part. Lauren had wrapped her arms around Camila, and her legs around her waist to keep her close not wanting to be an inch away from her body. When Camila let out a small moan she was trying to hide, Lauren almost completely lost it. Their breathing got more out of control as the now make out session got intense as each second passed by. Lauren then felt Camila's finger tips run on her sides lifting up her shirt. Camila pulled away to take the piece of clothing off and after she did Lauren was mesmerized.

Camila was looking down at her with swollen pink lips, her hair was a mess that made her look more attractive then she already was, her eyes were dark looking down at Lauren with a hungry look she never seen before. Not long Camila's lips were attached to hers once again. This time more passionately. Lauren removed Camila's sweater and was not surprised when all the girl above her was wearing a bra. That just turned her on more.

Ring Ring

"Ignore it." Camila growls, as her lips go down to Lauren neck. Sucking and marking the skin that is there.

"Shit... Camila..." Lauren moans as Camila's hips pushed down on hers.

Ring Ring

By that time Lauren looked towards her phone. It was faced down on the coffee table so she couldn't see who it was.

Camila noticed and looked annoyed.

"Do you want to answer that." She said as calmly as possible.

"No, just keep going."

All Camila did was smirk at her and continued back to what she was doing.

By the fifth ring Camila got fed up and stood up to find her sweatshirt, she gave Lauren a sweet smile to tell her it was ok.

Lauren got up slowly not trying to hurt herself and grabbed her cellphone. Without looking she answered.


"Ouch.. Afternoon to you too." The voice on the other line said.

"What do you want Ashely. I'm busy, or at least was." She mumbles the last part.

"Heard what happend. Are you ok?" Ashley told her.

Lauren instantly fell bad because she just called to check on her.

"Yeah. I'm good thanks." Lauren says as she ran her fingers along the bruise on her face.
She turned around and noticed Camila had left the room.

"What exactly happened?" Ashely asked.

"I don't even want to talk about that. The good news is that
They broke up. Well at least for now."

"That makes thing easier, you know what you have to do to keep it that way."

"Yeah, don't miss your shot with Vero." Lauren states to her clearly.
A little confused as to why she wasn't as excited then she thought she would be. Lauren just ended up pushing it to the back of her mind.

"Obviously. I talk to you later."

"Who was that." Camila says as she comes behind Lauren wearing different clothes.

"Ashley. She just wanted to check up on me." Lauren tells her as she hung up.

Camila walks closer to Lauren and takes the wash cloth that she had behind her back and puts it to Lauren's face with no warning at all.

"Camila! What the hell!"
Lauren shouts as she felt the rubbing alcohol that was on it sting her skin.

"It'll get infected, and I know how stubborn you are."

"Well if maybe your girlfriend didn't go all crazy I wouldn't have this gash on my face." Lauren said sarcastically acting annoyed, but she was glad it happened. It gave Camila a reason to put their relationship on hold. Now all Lauren had to do was keep them from getting back together.

"Sorry, by the way that's what I texted you that i wanted to talk about." Camila explained. "That might of been the reason that people were looking at us."

"No kidding, one of Vero's friends spilled her drink all over me." Lauren said as she pointed at her outfit that still had the stains on them.

"I'll already set you a bath." Camila told her shyly.

"Thanks I really need that." Lauren then made her way towards the bathroom limping holding on to her left side.

"Do you need help." Camila offered.

"Yeah that be great."

Camila then put her arm around her giving Lauren some support. When they made there way to the bathroom Camila couldn't help but get nervous. If Lauren could barley walk right, then she would need her help to get into the tub.

"Do you mind?" Lauren said softly trying to take her bra off.

Camila was to busy in her thoughts that she didn't notice Lauren taking her shirt off.

"Yeah of course." Camila then unhooked the clothing. Why was she nervous just a couple of minutes ago she was on top of her. Lauren still had her bra on before they got interrupted, but still, Camila saw her naked before, when they hooked up when they where teenagers. Why was this time different.

Camila knew exactly why.

She wasn't in the heat of the moment anymore. This time she was admiring her body without touching her. She couldn't help but feel small right now.

After Lauren removed all of her clothes she put on a bathrobe to cover herself. When she turned around she caught Camila looking at her. She felt her face blush a little, but Camila didn't notice.

"I'll go get you some clothes." Camila said quickly as she left the room.

Lauren sat there thinking she might have some fun with this. After all Camila technically wasn't In a relationship anymore.

This could get interesting.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now