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"Camila! Hurry up were going to be late." Lauren yells through the apartment.

It was Sunday morning and they promised the girls last night that they would go out for breakfast today.

Of course they were going to be late. After their shift at work when they both came home and feel asleep in each others arms. Lauren didn't mind it one bit when she woke up in a warm embrace, but as soon as she saw what time it was she knew she wasn't going to hear the end of it from the girls if they show up late.

Who knows what Dinah told them after last night. Her suggestive looks were enough to know what she was thinking.

"Why did we even agree to go. I'm really tired." Camila pouted stomping over to the front door.

"You're the definition of a over grown child." Lauren made fun of as Camila tired to put on her shoes. "An hour or two is all we'll be gone for, then you can sleep the whole day if you want too. Deal?"

"Do I have a choice."

"Not really, now lets go." Lauren grabs her car keys then remembers that she didn't say thanks in person yet for the generous unexpected gift.

Camila got up from the couch after putting her shoes on, then was cut off guard when Lauren walks up to her with hungry eyes and kisses her deeply.

Not complaining at all at the affection Camila kisses back while taking Lauren's bottom lip between her teeth, but before she could go any further Lauren pulls away.

"Thats what I get for being childish?" she questions with a smile.

"Thank you for the car." Lauren tells her while blushing, she has no clue what have her the confidence to do that in the first place.

"If that kiss was because of the car I'll buy you as many as you want."

"Lets go." Lauren playfully punched Camila's arm as they made their way to the restaurant. When they were in the parking lot what appeared to be Vero's car pulled up next to them.

"You gotta be kidding me." Lauren mumbled through her breath.

"What are you doing here?" Camila asked not amused by her presence.

"I'm a little offended that you didn't tell me you'd be back. I would have gladly given you a ride." She says with a hard look on her face ignoring that Lauren was even there.

"That wouldn't have been a good idea. Is that it?" Camila sarcastically says now wanting to actually leave to breakfast.

"Since you haven't been answering my calls or messages I had no other choice. Can we talk later"

"That would be great. I actually wanted to talk to you too." Camila said trying to be civil not wanting anymore drama.

"Come to my apartment later for dinner. There are some things you would like to know." Vero told her specifically looking at Lauren's direction. She had a grin on her face as she got into her car seeing how Lauren got nervous when she said that. But as soon a she saw Lauren's neck that smile was wiped off and replaced with disgust.

Camila took a breath out as she saw her ex now drive away. It was pretty clear that they weren't getting back together in Camila's mind.

Lauren wasn't to sure though.


"What took you guys do long?" Ally said as the two girls walked into the breakfast diner.

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