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"Hey, all your sweats where all in the laundry basket so I brought you some of mine." Camila said as she came into the bathroom with her clothes in her hand. "Is that alright."

"Yeah that's fine." Lauren told her as she was sat on the bathtub edge waiting for Camila to arrive. She actually prefers to wear Camila's clothes as she was at home, she was use to her scent that was so comforting to her.

"Um... do you need help.?" Camila asked shyly.

"Yeah, my sides are killing me when I bend down."

Lauren then stood up and turned her back to Camila and teasingly took off her robe. She had a smirk on her face that Camila could not see, and Camila face was red in which Lauren could not see.

Camila slowly walked towards her gaining her confidence back and ran her fingers along Lauren's sides that where the bruising was already starting to form. The purplish color of it was obvious against her skin. Without thinking much Camila placed her fingers over them not trying add pressure to hurt Lauren.

The steam of the of the hot bath that was in the room with the scent of lavender, and Camila's fingers against Lauren was heaven to her. She didn't want this moment to end. But Camila softly pushed her forward towards the tub to get her in the water. Lauren lifted one leg in, then the other. As she was trying to sit down she could fell the pain, and it wasn't good.

"Not to fast, I got you." Camila said as she holded on to her waist. Trying to lower Lauren down into the water.

Lauren had her eyes shut as she went fully into the water. The heat was helping the pain from being to much. She then closed her eyes and relaxed.

Camila hadn't moved at all because she was to busy focusing on Lauren's body that was under water.

"Do you want me to leave? You know to give you some privacy." Camila asked.

"No." Lauren answered because she didn't want to be left alone. "Stay."

Camila gave her a small smile as she sat on the floor next to the tub by Lauren's head. Although the humidity from the waters heat was making it hot in the room, it was comfortable being there to together.

Then an idea had popped in to Lauren's head.



"Can you get in with me." Lauren said nervously. Wanting to feel Camila's body close to her. Her heart was racing hoping She wouldn't say no after Camila still hadn't said anything.

"You know what n-never mind. Sorry it was a dumb idea." Lauren stuttered as her face flushed red.

Then Camila stood up and Lauren was surprised when she was starting to take off her shirt. This time Lauren's heart was beating for another reason.

When Camila finally stripped from all of her clothes she put one foot into the warm water. Lauren couldn't take her eyes off of her and she had no shame in checking out her friend. Camila didn't mind though of anything she was flattered. She sat opposite of Lauren, luckily the tub was big enough for the both of them to fit. Lauren thought she might as well take advantage of this moment and tease Camila.

Neither hadn't said anything yet.
But Lauren decided to 'accidentally' run her leg against Camila's.

Camila slightly jumped at the contact of there skin and tried to push back what Vero said about Lauren to the back of her head.

She said Lauren wanted to break them up. But she would never do such a thing.

That's why Camila kissed her when she got home. She wanted to see how far Lauren would go with her. Obviously Camila told her she was on a break with Vero, so Camila tested her if she was gonna kiss back.

Lauren did.

But if Camila wanted to test her why did she get annoyed when they were interrupted.

She does get flustered around Lauren, because who wouldn't. Anyone with eyes could tell Lauren was beautiful. Camila was attracted to her in that way, but only that way she told herself.

After Lauren ran her foot against Camila again, and this time Camila knew it was intentional, she wanted to get her mind off that to something she's been meaning to ask her.

"Lauren can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead." Lauren said without thought, still caressing Camila with her leg.

"What would you do if we went away?"

That definitely got her attention.

"Where are we going." Lauren asked with curiosity in her voice liking where this is going.

"Lately I've been taking to Jake. You remember, the guy who gave me his card. I called him the other day and he said after I graduate there might be a job opening."
Camila informed her.

"But what does that have to do with us leaving."

"It's in Paris." Camila said trying to contain her excitement. "It's not that I'm leaving permanently if I take the job there, but if I do end up going I was wondering what you would think, but they want to meet me first. I got permission to be able to miss my classes and it's a full paid trip, and I'm also allowed to bring someone." Camila then saw Lauren smile that she knew she was trying to hide.

"Who are you taking."

"I don't know. Who do you think I should take?" Camila joked around. "Normani seems to talk about traveling a lot, should I ask her."

Lauren then had a 'are you serious' look in her face and Camila couldn't help but ask her already.

"Do you want to go." She asked.

If it wasn't for the fact that Lauren's ribs where killing her she would of hugged Camila, and also the fact that they were both naked.

"Yes!" Lauren screamed.

Camila let out a loud laugh at Lauren's excitement. Knowing her exact reaction.

"When are we going?"

"This Friday it would just be for five days, and I'll be busy in the morning talking to some of the people who want to hire me, but all afternoon it would be just us. Is that alright." Camila said.

"Yeah, that's perfect." Lauren said with a smile.

Ever since they where little Paris was both of their favorite.
Lauren couldn't believe that they were actually going. Being able to walk around the streets with the Eiffel Tower would be their dream come true.

When the water started to get cold they decided to get out.

Camila was first to step out since Lauren would need her assistance. She got one of the other towels that were hung behind the door and covered herself.

Lauren tries to control herself from looking and she would like to say she did a good job.

Only looked when she knew Camila wasn't paying attention. That was a start.

When Camila helped her up she started to think about something
as she put on her robe.



"If things were different and you were still with Vero would you have asked her instead." Lauren said. Curious if Camila only asked her to tag along because her relationship problem with Vero.

"Nope, because Paris is our thing. Don't forget that."
Camila then left the room giving her a reassuring smile.

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