{14 part 1}

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"So how does this look.... Camila!" Dinah yells after she come out of the fitting room and finds her friend on her phone instead of paying attention to her.

"Sorry geez, I was just texting Lauren to see if she was still going to the party." Camila says getting off her phone.

"What did she say, it's been a long time since it was just the five of us." Dinah says excitedly happy to spend time with her close friends.

"Yeah she's going, but Vero's not."

"Oh that's to bad." Dinah says with a small smirk on her face happy her friends girlfriend isn't joining them. Dinah didn't mind making her dislike for the girl go unnoticed.

"I know you're happy about don't even try." Camila says casually knowing Dinah dislike towards her girlfriend. She never payed much attention to it because she never liked any of the guys her friend dated.

"Just us tonight, is that to much to ask for or would you rather have your girlfriend follow you like a lost puppy." Dinah exclaimed.

"To be honest I'm kind of glad she couldn't make it." Camila admits.

"Really?" Dinah says a little shocked at Camila's statement.

"I mean I love her but it kind of gets a little tiring being around each other all the time."

"Is the your relationship over the infatuation phase." Dinah asks.

"The what?"

"Camila I know this kind of stuff."

"By 'knowing this stuff' I know you mean by watching crappy reality t.v shows and reading magazines." Camila says with a small laugh.

"What I'm saying is that you and Vero are over that part of the relationship where you feel the need to be around each other 24/7." Dinah explained. "Or..."

"Or what?"

"Or it could be that you might be uninterested in the rest of the relationship." Dinah says as she looks at more dresses near by.

"Dinah that's crazy. I still love her." Camila tells her.

"Love? Have you ever told her that."

Camila thinks back to a few months ago to the beginning of the summer when she almost did. They where both drunk, mostly Vero Camila was sober enough to know what was going on. They left the party back to Vero's house and Camila almost said it to her but when Vero realized what she was going to tell her she freaked out and Camila saw the fear in her eyes so she changed the subject. To this day she doesn't know why Vero was so afraid of her almost saying she loved her. She asked her the following day but they almost got into a heated argument about it so Camila just dropped the topic and never brought it up again. That or she's second guessing her feelings.

"No. I never told her because she know I do." Camila told Dinah who went back into the dressing room.

"All I'm saying Camila is that if your not happy you should just end it." Dinah tells her through the curtain.

"But I am happy." Camila says sternly.

"Let's be serious right now who are you trying to convince me or yourself." Dinah then walks out dressed in her own clothes giving Camila a sincere smile.


It was 12:00 pm now and Lauren decided to get some lunch since she didn't eat breakfast yet. She came out of her room and went into the kitchen to see what they had in the fridge. Being college students with a part time job and student loans didn't give them enough money for much but they made it work. She grabbed what she needed to make a sandwich but then there was a knock at the door.

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