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"So what, you have no obligation to help her. She has to deal with this on her own."


"No Camila! Im tired of it! I'm tired of her!" Lauren claims.

Right now they were in the car and Camila was driving Lauren to a place she wanted her to see.

"I did technically cheat on her, and her parents are pretty rough." Camila carefully told the girl sitting next to her not wanting to say the wrong thing to make her more upset.

"Unbelievable." Lauren was so fustrated that Camila wanted to help the other girl.

None of this should be happening, their still suppose to be in Paris, but here they are.

"For how long exactly." Lauren says.

"Just until she finds someone else."

"Is that what she said to you." Lauren scoffs at the girls blindness to see what Vero was playing at. "Do you really think she's gonna even try?"

Camila sits still in the drivers seat while her eyes are one the main road to their destination thinking that Lauren makes a very good point. What if she was letting Vero play her with no intention on finding someone else.

"Two weeks." Camila says.


"I'll give her two weeks to find someone to at least fake it with, after that I'll tell her is officially done between the both of us."

Of course Lauren wasn't happy with the answer but what else could she do.

"So your saying that I have to deal with the both of you holding hands and kissing all the time. You think its fair that in have to do that?"

"No, absolutely not. She caught me off guard and she wanted to make it seem realistic."

That's when Lauren had an idea.

"What about Ashley?"

Lauren thinks that it would be the perfect plan. Ashley would get more of a chance to be with Vero.

Camila finds that rather suspicious that she was the first person Lauren thought of of all people.

"Why her?" she questions.

"I mean she... Uhh..." now that she thinks about it maybe bringing up the girl who Lauren was accused of trying to split up the other two wasn't a good idea. "You know what never mind forget it."

Camila looks at Lauren feeling very guiltily that she was putting her through this. But before she is able to be with her and give her what she needs, she needs to make sure that Vero won't interfere with them at all.

"I'll tell her."


"Yeah. Sounds like a great idea." Camila said with a facial expression Lauren could not read.

They didn't say much after and kept Lauren kept her head down. She hopes she didn't make Camila have second thoughts on what Vero said about her and Ashley. She knew that Vero was on to her. It could ruin her chances with the girl that she's been in love with forever.

What seemed to be hours of driving which was only an hour and a half they finally came to a stop.

"We're here." Camila announces.

Lauren looked up to see where they were. They were surrounded by trees.

"Why are we in the woods."

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now