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"That's all for today guys. See you all tomorrow." Lauren's professor dismissed the class.

"Lauren can I talk to you for a moment." He called out as the students fled the class being done for the day.

"Yeah, sure." Lauren says knowing what he wanted to say to her.

"Are you ready to direct your play. If you don't get ready now I won't have nothing from you to grade considering it's the only one of two assignments."

"Yeah absolutely, I already know who's gonna play which part and everything." Lauren was really confident that she could do it, but wasn't so sure if the people she had in mind to play the parts had a liking for her now.

"Good. How's after thanksgiving will you be ready by then."

"That'll be fine." Lauren gets the actual date set and leaves the school theatre only to see Sierra was actually waiting for her outfit the hall.

"Hey. Everything all right?"

"Yeah. I was actually wondering if you would like to start in my play... or is that to much." Lauren asks hoping she says yes not having much options with the other girls who hate her guts.

"Are you kidding! Sure! I was worried that I wouldn't get any roles because people would just choose their friends for the parts  but I'll be glad to be in yours." She says happily.

"Great you can come over any time this week to rehearsals. Here's my number." Lauren says as she writes it down on a sticky note and hands it over.

"Sure how's tomorrow at 11."

"That'll be great."

"Thanks again. See you tomorrow."

As Lauren dismisses herself she couldn't be more but happy to direct her own play. The last time she did was last year and it went horribly. It was something she really wanted to do with her life so she was more then sure she wasn't going to mess this up. It was one of the only things that she felt she was good at doing. She felt a sudden rush when ever she gets a idea and writes it down on paper.

As she walks out the building thinking of what she wants to add to her play, she sees a familiar girl from a far away.

Of course it had to be her.


Lauren didn't know when they let her on back on campus. What she heard last was that the girl was suspended, and on a thin line from getting kicked out. What made things worse now was that she was by Lauren's car with her friends surrounding her asking her what happened between Camila and her.

Lauren was weighing down her options. She could either be the bigger person and just carry on her day and head towards her car. Or she could just hide until they leave.

As much as she wanted the second option she went for the first. Slowly she went towards her car hoping to get no attention at all. As she walks to her vehicle she try's to keep a low profile.

"Hey Lauren."

Just her luck.

"Yeah." Lauren said softly not knowing where this is going to head.

"Is this your car?" Vero's friend asked, as Lauren now had all the people around them staring back at her.

"Yeah. Its new." Lauren kept her head down as she struggled to open the front door.

"How much did it cost... or you know how much did it cost your little girlfriend Camila." Another girl teased getting laughs around.

When Lauren didn't say anything they all knew that the girl was right. Vero who was not paying attention before, now looked so irritated that Lauren knew if they weren't on campus, that the other girl would rip her apart.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now