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The next morning Lauren woke up in a familiar bed that was not hers. She looked around the room that was dark considering the drapes were still closed. The only light that entered the room was from under the bathroom door, Lauren assumed Camila got up and decided to take a shower. She turned to the night stand next to her and saw the that it was 11 in the morning, good thing Camila and her didn't have any classes today and they didn't have to go to work either. Lauren laid back down on the comfortable bed and waited for Camila to come out of the shower so they could talk about   getting her drinking problem. Lauren thought of convincing Camila to go back home for a few days and admit it to her parents that she doesn't know how to handle the situation, but Lauren knew that it would take lots of work to do that. She had school and work on top of that it would be expensive to go back and forth all the time.

After Lauren almost went back to sleep she heard the water turn off. She decided to give Camila privacy by leaving to her own room so she could get changed.
But before she could step out of the room Camila was out of the bathroom in only a towel.

"Good morning." Lauren says and try's to keep her eyes off of Camila's body.

"Hey." Camila says waking towards her closet for new clothes to wear. "Do you need a ride anywhere causes I'm meeting Ashely for lunch."

When Lauren heard Ashley's name she felt her heart beat faster. Why would Camila be seeing her for. Maybe it's for school or something Lauren tried to tell herself so she wouldn't freak out. Would Ashley tell her about Lauren wanting to be with her. What was she planing on  doing.

"No I'm good." Lauren tells her as she made her way out of Camila's room towards her own. She closed her door and went in her bathroom  and turned on the water to make it seem like she was showering but then she pulled her phone out and called Ashley.
After five rings she finally picked up the call.

"What are you doing!" Lauren whispered yelled into her phone.

"What do you mean?" Ashley responded confused by Lauren's sudden call.

"Why are meeting Camila for lunch."

"Well by the looks of it you don't seem to be doing much on our little plan so I decided to work on a new angle." Ashley spoke like she was a genius on coming up with it. "And don't worry I'm not going to ruin it for you I'm like going to give   Camila a little push on her seeing you more than just a friend, but I'm not going to over do it, so you have nothing to worry about."

At that Lauren let out a breath of relief.

"Don't mess up." Lauren said sternly as she hung up the phone. She then looked at her reflection in the mirror and saw the bags under her eyes. She really needed to relax but that was hard to do as of lately.

She got in the shower and let the hot water hit her skin. After a few moments in there she got out and put on some comfortable clothes, all she planned to do today was watch Netflix and eat junk food. As she was making herself a sandwich Camila came out of her room dressed in black ripped skinny jeans with and a light sweatshirt.

"I hope your not mad at me for last night." Camila said as she grabbed her keys getting ready to make an exit.

Lauren didn't say anything she was mad at Camila but she knew that wouldn't get her no where, she should support Camila in whatever she needs because in times before that's what she did for Lauren.
When Lauren still hadn't said anything Camila made her way out the door not speaking as well.

Lauren let out a sigh and decided to push that to the back of her mind. All she was going to do today was relax it's been a while since she has.


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