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"Wait what was that, did I hear correctly. Camila Cabello will work along side me the whole summer. That'll be interesting."

"I can easily change my mind."

"But you won't because you need this opportunity just as much as I need you to help me during that time."

Camila didn't have a come back because she knew it was true. She was quite honestly surprised that Grace decided to give her this chance since Camila treated her so badly before, during their first year of college. She didn't tell anyone her fling with her because frankly, Camila must admit she was a bit of a jerk to the girls of her past after her first girlfriend that used her. Grace's personality just reminded Camila so much of her ex. She didn't leave her guard down even for a slight second while being with other girls that seemed sketchy to her.

"That's what I thought. So I'll see you around if I have anymore information." Grace said now knowing she has something on Camila.

When class was over Camila checked her phone to see if Dinah responded to her earlier text.

Dinah: Hey don't worry I got her. She seemed a bit upset when she came to class and kept her head down for most of the hour but other then that there were no problems.

Luckily Camila and Lauren shared there next class together so there was no need to text back when she would be seeing her in a few minutes.

At least she thought.

Camila stood waiting by the door, but no sign of the girl she had in mind.

When she decided to call her, she had no luck in Lauren picking up the phone. That just left her contacting Dinah.

"Hey where's Lauren."

"What do mean? Isn't she in class with you."

"She isn't here yet and she should have been." Camila says a bit worried.

"She left right after we were dismissed, I thought she was in a rush to see you. You want me to help look for her?" Dinah offers.

"No thanks. I'll talk to you later." Camila ended the phone call while running her hand through her hair in frustration. Lauren couldn't have possibly have gone home since they both drove here and Camila had the keys.

So that could just have meant Lauren could only be in one place.


"You had me worried for a second." Camila calls out as she went further in behind the bleachers, seeing the girl she had been looking for.

"How'd you know I'd be here?"

"Where else would you have gone." Camila said as she got closer.

"Sorry I was off towards you earlier." Lauren says as Camila sat next to her in the grass.

"You have every right to be. I should have understood you just needed so time away from everyone."

"It's not that. Its just..." Lauren groaned not being able to tell Camila what she was actually feeling. "It would have been my fault."


"What if they kick Vero out?" Lauren whimpers with tears in her eyes, looking at Camila for comfort.

"Then she deserves it. Lauren she's the reason why that video was even made. You didn't drive her to do the things she did."

"But I did. If I just left it alone, and kept my feelings to myself, none of this would have been happening. Vero and you could have still been together, we would have still been friends and no one would have been messing up there life right now because of a temporary feud that ended up in them getting kicked out of college, none of this would even matter in a few years except of the stupid mistakes." At this point Lauren was full on sobbing.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now