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A month ago

It was currently seven in the morning and Camila couldn't have felt any much worse than she feels now. It's been a few days since her breakup with Lauren and she hasn't left the apartment yet. Even though there's barely any food in the refrigerator and her rent is coming up soon while she has no job, it still wasn't enough motivation to get her up.

That is until the night before she received a call from the police station.

They got the DNA results back from the lab and felt it was better she came in for questioning.

Camila sat up from her bed with no energy at all. Unfortunately this was not something she can just brush off. She got dressed and as she passed Lauren's vacant room she pushed the thought of calling her to the back of her mind for now.

Every night she almost does, but she rather not have her call be rejected. She also knows that Lauren would be even more angry if Dinah had told her what had happened with Vero. And she's pretty sure she already did.

Talking to Dinah should probably be something she does soon, because she doesn't want her friend thinking the worst of her.

But again, Camila can't find the energy to do anything right now.

After she arrived she saw the same officers she was questioned that day giving her dirty looks as she made her way inside.

She wasn't she sure that it meant she was guilty or that they're mad that they won't make a arrest that day.

"Camila Cabello?"


"Hi, I'm detective Monroe and I will be handling this case from now on." He said as he had a folder in his hands, and Camila assumed that it had the DNA results in them.

He saw where her gaze landed and set it in front of them.

"I still don't know what the results were, but before I open them I'm going to give you a chance to confess. Then maybe I can help you-"

"No thanks, I won't admit to anything I didn't do."

The man gave her one last chance  before he opened the envelope and stared reading.

Camila carefully watched his reaction as he raised his eyebrows.


"What? Am I going to be arrested. Do I need to hear my rights?"

He ignores her sarcastic remarks." It wasn't your blood at the crime scene."

"I figured much."

"What do you mean."

"You might want to check in with my ex. She broke into my home a few days ago and did something similar to my room. Since then I changed the locks."

"And you didn't feel the need to make a report?" He's say annoyed.

"To be honest I wasn't even thinking about it since other things are happening in my life right now."

"You do realize that as of right now you are the only one that can be charged. If you give us the information we need, we can bring her in for questioning as well."

Camila should feel relieved because most likely the DNA will match with Vero's, but she really couldn't bring herself to care. After she told him what he wanted to here she went on her way back home.

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