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After an emotional night, Camila and Lauren headed off to bed. They have been sharing Camila's bed lately, so when Lauren was about to head towards the room that wasn't hers, Camila stopped her and said that it be better if they slept on their own tonight to make their date more special the next day. Lauren told her that it was okay if they postponed the date if she wasn't up for it, but Camila insisted that she was fine and that she shouldn't worry.

Lauren didn't know if she was telling the truth, she went along with it anyway, since it was what Camila wanted.

She wanted to be with her, especially after Camila's small break down, yet she was excited about tomorrow's plans.

Lauren use to having Camila next to her at night, and than not being with her is kinda unsettling to Lauren.

She thinks she's being ridiculous, she can survive one night by herself. When her eyes began to shut, all she thought about was actually being happy for once in a long time.

She's been ok. She just needed something, and that she was for sure that, the something that she needed could be Camila.

The following morning, when the lights shined into Lauren's bedroom. It was a bit odd when she looked at the time and saw that it was almost past 11 in the morning. She can't remember the last time she slept this late in. It made her wonder where Camila could be. Surely she would have woken her up by now.

When she went out to find the brunette, and stumbled upon a empty bed, she went out into the kitchen and living room to find them empty as well.

This was unlike Camila to leave without notice. Even times when she would leave early, for school she would leave a text or something. Lauren didn't want to seem clingy, however this left her uneasy.

When the sound of ringing filled the apartment, Lauren flinched at the unexpected noise in the quiet apartment.

Grabbing her phone she felt a tiny bit relieved that it was Ally, she might know something.


"Hey Lauren I-"

"Ally have you heard from Camila." Lauren cuts her off.

"No, not that I know of, and the girls are at my place so I don't think they have either. Is everything ok with her?"

"Yeah... just never mind. What's up."

"I been wanting to talk to you about Sierra."

"What? Why?"

"We have mutual friends, and she's just recently talked about you. More specifically what happened yesterday, you and Camila got really touchy." Ally said through the phone, unsure as to how Lauren was going to react.

Lauren internally groaned. "What did she say about it?"

"That you and Camila got freaky in the bathroom." Ally made fun of. She couldn't help it.

"Who did she tell this to. I don't want anymore of anything spreading around about me. Enough people talk about me as it is." The stress in her voice was clear.

"I'm not sure I just thought you'd want to know. She sounded more upset about it though."


"Yeah, I could almost say she sounded jealous. Is there something I should know about." Ally asked wanting to know about Lauren's personal life. She knows that she might be with Camila, although she is surprised someone else is showing interest.

Confused Feelings (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now